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Posts posted by fullyhyperlite

  1. I can most probably come BUT im working till 5:30 which means id have to meet you guys somewhere which then means i might have to drive...and thats not something im keen to do...(laser on a skyline cruise??? :) )

    So if anyone cant make it till a lil bit later let me know and i shall hitch a ride :P wooop

  2. Spotted a silver stagea with gold looking rims, followed it from Murray Road, port noarlunga, round to Dyson road and it turned right at the roundabout at the mobil on the corner...at about ummm 4ish? i got no idea haha

    Would of waved but there was a stoopid rav 4 inbetween us haha.

  3. A couple of hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing. His eyes are rolled back in his head.

    The other guy whips out his mobile phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator, in a calm soothing voice, says: "Just take it easy. First, let's make sure he's dead."

    There's silence, then a shot is heard.

    The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says, "Okay, now what?"

  4. Lol Troy, you're stealing my business! :D Jokes...hey just off topic, when i first joined up here, i organised myself a photography cruise for SAU...maybe me and you could join forces and do something similar. Was a pretty good cruise in the end and i filled my 2gig memory card haha. Could definately make something of it :)

    Dev's if northerners want photos....cos we both live south! haha :( Although petty for my laser is cheap IZZZZ now that prices have gone down.

    Sent another email too flick :(

  5. that was me :D nah no defect he was having more fun with the fact i have no license

    LOL ya dickhead!!!!! I knew something would happen. Lucky you didn't get done on the way up to the party haha.

    So whats the goss then? In BIG trouble? :)

    Spotted a silver stag round 5pm on sherriffs rd yester heading in the direction of lonsdale highway.

    also spotted a yellow and white 33 in the carparks around the buildings in noarlunga down from maccas, the yellow behind spotlight and the white behind the IT warehouse. This was all yesterday because im holed up inside today studying for my first exam tomorrow :(

  6. hey i just emailed you a crapload of photos flick.

    because im emailing them at their full size i can only send 2 at a time...now its got to a point i can only do 1 at a time...woops lol.

    let me know if you get them.

    could you also let me know if you got the pics of ben&nene's stag..cos i think it failed. actually a few emails failed so i sent pics individually.

    let me know how many you get haha. and sorry if you get any repeats

  7. pfft charmaine, i waited ages and got shut down, time and time again

    tooooo late now, i took my own :)

    You didn't get shutdown....you shut me down for adam and a como cruise on the same day as mine...bet you didnt get any pro shots THERE did ya?? I forgive you because it was a charity cruise yes?? lol.

    And pretty sure "YOUR contribution" on page 2 is actually a photo i took....but i forgive you :)

    Ok flick....i have a SH!TLOAD of photos of SAU cars. HEAPS from the photography cruise i organised, a few from Autosalon and a crapload more from Kadina and some from Kel's cruise (but not many). I have got some pretty stunning shots of 2 of SAU's members cars - Jacks and Luke's which are in the sig. But yeah, would be pretty happy to get my good quality shots to ya on a cd or two.

    Also just wondering, is there going to be a spot saying the photographer? Might get me some business haha :) Would be a great start to my photography career thats for sure ;)

    Like this sorta thing?

    Model: 1998 Nissan Skyline R33 GTS25t Series II M-Spec 40th Anniversary

    Owner: Vu Phan

    Photogapher: Ya Mum

    Just an idea.

  8. EDIT: forgot to mention that he and charmaine,are now, well, NEARLY a couple.....

    when i say nearly, i mean,they keeping it on the down low hehe

    /hides from charmaine

    Sorry to hijack ya thread a lil Kel....but this ain't happening no more :( he had a change of heart :) Oh wellllllllll

  9. My dad has had his tropical fish tank up and running i reckon for atleast most of my life. Hes gone through two fishtanks...both 4 foot ones. His original one broke, he tried to save some of the fish by putting them in a plastic tub...only fish that lived was a clown loach (this was like 10 years ago maybe??) and that clown loach is still alive today - bloody hardy fish.

    He's also gone through his fair share of discus - love the fish but keep seeming to have trouble with them dying. He recently had some weird disease with his discus, killed 4 of em :)

    And since then hes bought another 5, one of em which liked to chase all the others so hes got it seperate in a clear plastic box thing in the tank haha.

    But yeah dads got clown loaches, cardinal tetras, a few of the guppies from my tropical fishtank on my bedside table ;) , congo tetras and a shitload of bristlenosed catfish cos they had babies :P

    My lil 22lt tank is currently down cos with year 12 i don't get the chance to change the water....but dad changes his every week - 40%. Trying to keep those bloody expensive discus alive. But yeah, after year 12 i'll have it going again....dad suggested getting a breeding pair of cichlids....so we'll see how that goes. :(

    Anyway...just thought i'd share - some people are REALLY sto0pid....fail??


  10. Saw Pete at the bay last night....saw ya reversing outta ya car park...i think we were leaving coles...or in that carpark....can't remember haha.

    Also spotted another silver 34 at harbour town today bout 11:30ish? - plates XNU 259. Anyone on here?

    Oh and MIS32T or something like that....wasn't paying too much attention on Jetty Road round 10:30ish.

    LOL spotted craig at harbour town too :rofl:

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