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Posts posted by kwl33

  1. Cant remember the prices, may have been $100 comming to the house, its more if he comes to visit you, cheaper if you go to him. in and out in 10 mins but ;-) . Also, I used coomera car care ($50) for my line and a friends oil tanker, both passed ok there.

  2. Hey all, just thought id add my bit;

    I bought an Ecutalk cable of ebay for$60 and bought an adapter cable (also of ebay) to convert it to usb for $5, the converter cable was 1,5 meters long so when connected, the laptop can sit comfortably on the passenger seat. For me it was cheaper and I got a longer length than buying the Usb version cable.

  3. Spotted a white 33 at wintersun festival today.....Dude, Did you feel as wierd as me driving a jap car down there?

    Was probably me, lol , came down after the natural arch cruise for a look lol, doesnt bother me with the all the muscle cars around, its all good, i like all cars. saw a couple of r32's down there anyway.

  4. So as some of you are aware i bought a jetski a few weeks ago... driveways rather steep and garage at bottom.... stags in garage and i was cleaning ski on driveway with wheels chocked. decided i was done thought i pull it tohand up to the road up the driveway all was good about a meter before the apex where the driveway goes down to gutter level. f**ker got real heavy on me and started to loose traction on the ground and started sliding down driveway towards stag with jetski... mangaed to aim it into mums garden :P

    nearly spoilt two of my fav toys!

    Haha! I thought I was the only one lol!, I was trying to maneuver my jet ski the other week onto the grass just outside the shed, had a chock behind the wheel at one stage so I could turn it without it going down the driveway, but it somehow rolled over the chock, I tried to hold on but the b#*ch is heavy, dropped the front of the trailer on my ankle and watched it run backwards down the driveway towards the skyline!

    Somehow It turned by itself at the last second and went into the bushes on the side of the driveway, missed the car by 10cm!

    Ankle hurt for 2 weeks! lol funny now but.

  5. diggin up an old post,

    does anyone know what the voltage of this exhaust sensor should read using Datascan or similar software? I get a reading of 5volts (which is full) and it doesn't ever change, so I assume its either a) stuffed or b) not connected. can anyone confirm what the correct voltage should be?

    Also wouldn't it be better to have this sensor in case of lean out?

  6. Just finished doing my tank full of granny drivin to see how many kays i would get, got 530 kays out of a tank in the 33, town drivin, which Im happy with. Fun drivin gets me about 400kays per tank...

  7. Hmmm it sounds a bit weird. Does it idle hunt when you turn the AC?

    I sometimes get the 5th gear cruch too.. but thats only if im boosting hard, and i havent pushed the clutch in fully. oops. :P

    If you have the clutch fully in, and you put her into 5th slow, and it still cruches, maybe your clutch needs bleeding/adjusting, thats what i did to mine, except it only happened in reverse sometimes.


    || I thought It was me not pushing the clutch in too, but I double checked when the pedal has been fully to the floor and still done it.

    Idle is fine with the A/C, I might try bleeding the clutch, although it seems ok, I had to adjust the pedal when i first got the car as the previous owner had it going all the way to the floor to engage the clutch, i adjusted it so it is about half way, the clutch is about 6 months old, previous owner had the flywheel machined, heavy duty organic clutch installed.

    Could it be just due for a fluid change? I hav'nt looked at the gearbox oil yet ( got the car last month - bad of me I know)

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