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Posts posted by SilverLure

  1. spotted heaps on friday,

    2 maroon R33's, one heading towards westfield kotara, one parked at charlestown square

    a black R32 at the westfield intersection and a silver R32 or 33 (didnt get a close look) in the carpark

    also a white 33 coming off kooragang island

    i also went out to beresfield to have a look at the toy shop - im guessing you know what im talking about, and there was a really nice R34 (dont think it was a GTR, but may have been) getting serviced.

  2. im getting over those southern cross stickers. there everywhere - all the cool kids are doing it. and those frangipani flower stickers. urgh.
    i recon if you asked some of these yobbos what the stars are they'll just say its "Australia mate", they don't know its a constalation and i doubt they know that there are a few other flags in the southern hemisphere that have the southern cross in it, some of the pacific islands have it and everyone knows new zealand has it, so no its not distiguishable as Aussie, put the coat of arms on your car to show your pride or something, atleast nobody will laugh and say "hey, are you kiwi?"

    dont get me started about the frangipanni stickers.....

    Both the stickers are on every car in the Sutho shire when the car is driven by someone under 25.... atleast my gf has the brains not to put stupid flower on her car

    hahahahahahaha thankyou so much for saying that :ermm:

    ive never understood why people like that claimed the southern cross as australia's own.

    and its either commodores or those stupid mini trucks with them too :(

  3. will run a tuning day in early Dec. and will fly Mark Jacobsen (Godzilla Motorsport...worlds 3rd fastest GTR) down to do the tuning. Have a brand new Mainline 4wd dyno to use just need a few guys interested to make it financially viable. Costs to have Mark and the dyno for the day to be shared between participants.

    anyone interested?

    Im interested to come and watch...

    and bakes i would like to see your car on a cruise or just around at that... its sooo good man

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