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Posts posted by stagman

  1. I know the car nummers.....you actually made a good choice considering your low IQ :D .....5 speed aye....how I miss a manual!!!

    Was doing some work on a V35 and M35....was caught drooling and stuttering...something about wishing I had a manual...and in black....nice set of rims and your off.

    P.S. Pity about your last car...looked like a good one too!.

    Haha, I picked up the humour in this one :D . But 5 Speed, I wish!! It's just an auto unfortunately. But yeah, its got the tein coil overs and and 'Day's' Front bumper and badge on the boot Gate. However when i did a Fast on it, nothing out of the ordinary came up. You don't read japense do you, manager?

  2. True...... But the challenge is can you articulate what it is about your favorite car that makes it the best. Are you objective enough to acknowledge the shortcomings of the same car because no car or wagon is perfect, they are all a compromise.

    It is dead easy to slag off the cars you do not like but takes a lot more thought to really understand the strengths and weakness of your favorite.

    Wow, i repeated myself in my last post with the " may be's" haha. Stupid early mornings :D. I totally agree with what you just said andy65b. But since i have nothing more contructive to say, or incase this is grammically wrong, i'll stop posting to avoid making someone tag me as illiterate.

  3. BECAUSE it is meant to get people talking about what is GOOD abut their car.

    Unfortunatly it seems many people have no idea about what is good about their own car and can only make stupid statements about the other being worse..............I love this thread as it makes people think hard about their own car.

    But if one car is better, be it the series 1 or 2 c34 or M35 S1 and 2, then the other car, whatever it may be may be must then be worse in that persons opinion.

  4. i personally dont think you can include the RS260 C24 in a comparison to M35s. its basically a gtr wagon, no such model exists in the M35 range.

    so that model aside, compare each model with their respective counterpart. take looks out of the picture because we will NEVER agree.

    compare the rest, youll have to agree that the M35 wins on most comparisons. there is a reason for that. there is 6-10 years of technology change in M35s.

    so whoever asked the question originally, go drive them all, and tell us what YOU decided.

    Thankyou. :)

    I'll agree the M35 in most cases is better. But personally i prefer the C34, mostly because of the stock shape.

  5. Right, i said its stupid and that I didn't like it..perhaps even slightly 'flamed' it, but i still had a constructive post. Then all you could do mate, was pick up on a tiny spelling mistake. You must live a very boring life indoors. OH sorry i didn't find your insult funny.

    Too where you said, i don't make sense. You said " Me a keyboard warrior????" followed by " Mate your barking up the wrong tree"..YES you are a keyboard warrior.

    And what the f**k is this PMT shit your going on about. I dont sit long enough hours behind a computer screen to be up on all your latest 'hip' words.

  6. OK then!

    I sort of get what you are saying......you made a good pointless KW!!

    FFS!!! I couldn't give a shit what you or anyone else can afford or not afford... e.g If I really wanted it I could buy an R35....but no....I still prefer the R32 GTR because its a classic.

    Why would I exclude model's like the RS260?....well then lets exclude every M35 bar the VQ25DE 2WD 4 speed auto model!

    Whats your problem mate?...you looking for an argument!...I guess there's one in every thread aye....this time it's you Scott!

    P.S. A little heads up...if you think the thread is stupid then don't post in it....makes you look stupid! Your original second and third paragraph was good....Pity about the first paragraph.....you added nothing constructive.....and you obviously got the reaction you were looking for!!!.....I'll have to remember to shoot down the next thread you start.

    You twat. Perhaps becuase the RS260 is the benchmark model C34. The M35 VQ25DET is it's latter model counterpart. Where is the GTR engine M35? Mate, im not the only one shotting your thread down. Its silly asking to compare. Lets all compare whos got bigger sticks next time?

    "P.S. A little heads up...if you think the thread is stupid then don't post in it....makes you look stupid!"- Yes it makes me look stupid. :thumbsup:

    "lol....me a keyboard warrior???....mate you are barking up the wrong tree big time...." You answerd your own question here...

    "FFS!!! I couldn't give a shit what you or anyone else can afford or not afford." Right this is why I said exclude finances because The owner has made up his mind on what he is goin to buy; "would have bought a C34 becAUse they thought it was superior". Where do i say-In that sentence, 'wouldve have bought a C34 becuase they couldn't afford a M35'. Your hole topic was never about finances and i tried keeping it that way. But some *******8 put his foot right in his own shit- "If I really wanted it I could buy an R35". I persnally don't want to hear people big noting themselves on a internet forum. Nor do i want to see people belitteling others(See below). Such as YOU with the whole spelling. What, you didnt expect a reactment. ( Do you come from a manegerial role? ;) )

    "but it's Because and cause....not Becuase and cuase.....I know there's a Emoticon for this"... "Whats your problem mate?...you looking for an argument!".- I guess you baited the hook, i took the bait, ran of with your hook and now your a little upset. I Sir, Do not like you. You started this, accept responsibility.

    Oh. And you still havn't proven why this comment is innaccurate- ""A M35 owner isn't going to say the C34 is better"."

  7. lol....me a keyboard warrior???....mate you are barking up the wrong tree big time....I made a small joke that anyone with a sense of humour and not PMT instead would get!!!.....chill pill mate!....I was actually shooting at your comment that it was stupid thread(yet you posted in it :thumbsup: ) and then at your inaccurate comment on "A M35 owner isn't going to say the C34 is better".

    I clondu't gvie a siht wterher you can slepl or not!!! ;)

    My 'Inaccurate'. Are you going to say a C34 is better? No. You and i'm sure almost every other M35 owner would have bought one (M35) because they thought it was superior. Every C34 owner, in most cases excluding financial ( level playing field so we will exclude the 260rs aswell) would have bought a C34 becAUse they thought it was superior or the M35 wasn't a vaiable option at the time.

    Its a usless topic/thread becuase you ask.. What is better..and why? That's; like others have stated, up to personal opionion. What is Abnormal? Is there really abnormal or is that object, normal and everything else normal in it's own way?

    You could do a poll to find out which is better, but then the results would be biased becuase of differing populations of owners ( ie. 10 C34 owners, 2 M35 etc etc ).

    At least you got a good response and have kept me from pure boredom tonight.. I thank you.

  8. :thumbsup: who me!!!

    you lost me at ahh......I obviously also lost you in the opening post in this thread.

    P.S. I'm not that crash hot at spelling myself....but it's Because and cause....not Becuase and cuase.....I know there's a Emoticon for this!!!!

    If your not that crash hot at spelling yourself, then why is there a need to belittle someone else over it. I hate keyboard warriors.

  9. ahh. this thread is stupid. A M35 owner isn't going to say the C34 is better. 1. Becuase the M35 is more expensive. 2. They bought the M35 cuase they prefer it. A C34 owner on the otherhand..)mind you alot of you guys purchased them when they were at the same going rate as a M35 is now).... is most likly not goin to say the M35 is better.

    Me, Personally. I bought a C34 Series 2 becuase i thought it looked much better. And...I still do, buying it has only convinced me that i am happy with the choices i made. Even after the insurance payout, I opted again for a C34 and not a M35. But for me, i do want to modify my C34, and i love the fact that parts and what not are much more so readily available, and servicable by numerous reputable mechanics. I also found that with my last series 2, i was able to get 10-12L per 100km consistently, so buying a M35 for better fuel consumption was viod in my mind.

    For me, it was the looks of the series 2. I'll be honest and say i dont like the series ones, i GENERALLY dont like m35's, though When they are tastfully modified they do look great.

  10. how does the auto go?

    i REALLY like the look of the ST246 over the ST215, but the auto is a big turn off at the moment

    i'm still trying to convince the wife we need a Stag and a Caldina!

    Buy her a civic type R, there a hatchback and almost as big haha. Lots of fun too!

  11. Woah Woah Woah. He told me the car was ready for delivery on Wednesday and i'll need to pay in order for it to be sent.. I hope i haven't been led on and its infact not ready, because that's the only reason iv paid.Also guy's i thought it was compulsory that when compliancing is done, tyres are ment to be changed..Is that correct? Becuase mine have not been changed and still have these 'snow' tyres on them...

  12. has it arrived yet....huh.........how bout now?... at least yours is on the way, mine is still stuck at Nagoya Motors. still having trouble with stupid compliancing.

    p.s if you post pics of you and your new stag before mine has even left NSW i won't be Happy!!!

    Hahaha. I'm sure something will come up. Apparently its booked to be leaving tomorrow morning, but it would be worth putting a wager on.. if I call and ask did it leave today.. that he would have absolutely no idea what i was talking about. It's the first car dealer i've come across that has seemed like they dont want to sell a car. I mean rule of thumb for any point of sale job- Stay in contact with potential clientele.

  13. Spotted a white c34 heading back from wynum... you know on the unlit bendy road.. i was trying to tailgate you in a white astra and yelled stagea a few times. rego had the number 5 in it.. perhaps 571 xxx or something. cannt remeber. Turned right on to wynum road at the traffic lights..

  14. Sucks about the troubles you guys are having, first time I have heard about Nagoya doing stuff like this.

    Yeah, I doubt he has fixed the rust Stagman, could have just put touchup paint over it and is hoping you dont notice.

    Haha yep i think so aswell. Luckily i have some photo's of close inspection. And I would be more then willing to take of the door cards and send back some more evidence and ask him the quesiton as to why it is not fixed haha. We will see what happens i guess.

  15. Oh god. All these things you guys have mentioned, im experiencing exactly the same. It's the first dealer i have ever come across who wouldn't negotiate on price. I argued the 3 month rego deal aswell as im in qld. It does however say somewhere on the site, 12 months rego OR free delivaray and 3 months rego australia wide. Thing is however he wouldnt even lower the price down due to the fact the car is being shipped at a cost. Makes sense ( i guess).

    But when i mentioned things such as the bad touch up paint jobs, he pretended like he didnt know what i was talking about. And if you have seen or seen any pictures of the car, then youll know you cannot miss them. He also has stated he fixed up the rust issue. Which i highly doubt.

    I could really go on all night but i cannot be botherd. All i can say is this car better be what he say it is and not a dud becuase ill more then happily fly on down to give him a mouthful.

    I did buy mine and transferrd the money last night. He said the car was ready for deliverary today, so if the money did go through today, will be leaving nagoya early tommorow.

  16. who wants to help clay my car? never done it before, think i get the idea but guidance from someone learned is always good.. that and i cbf doing the entire car myself :)

    Mike. It is so easy. buy a Maguires quick clay kit. When i had my car i would do the bonnet and roof at least once every two weeks and the sides and rear once a month. The bonnet becasue im consistently looking at it when driving and the roof becuase it was near my eye level when hoping in and out haha. Little things would get on my nerves. It'll only take about 1 hr. hr and half to do your entire car in a TLC manner.

  17. Hey MasterJdoggy,

    Thanks for the heads up that your able to, but i should be right. Another forum member has already done what you have offerd and i am more then grateful to the members here on SAU. I have actually been trying to purchase this car, as i do have the deposit on it and all. First off though i was told it was complied, had it inspected and thus found out it wasnt. Which peev's me off just a tad. Second off all, ive asked on Three seperate occasions for him to get in contact with me regarding various details and specifics....To no avail. The fourth time today, he said he would make a phone call and call me right back, No return call. I Personally do not know what i should do about it at this stage. He seems unwilling to negotiate on price and Unuasal enough for a salesman ( of any type) will not get in contact with me. To be honest, Have not really been to happy with the service they are offering.

    Hmm Anyways, Deposit ends this thursday, so will let you know how i go.

  18. In correct. dans led kits work fine.

    In series 2's? In the s2's the dash has some colour filter which stops blue or something rather and makes normal LEDS very dull. The centre console is easy to do, but the dash i'v never attempted.

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