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Posts posted by Calvz86

  1. The gearbox needs to come out to fix the creaking mist likely anyway. Have it removed and the problem will reveal itself. I'd say the pivot ball is dry and/or broken. Could be the diaphram in the clutch cover also.

    thank you for the reply.

    I have heard only good things about you n ur knowledge so I'll take that advise and check it out..

    Shame that ERD isn't in Victoria, cuz I would prefer to get it checked out by u as I don't really trust other mechanics because they may exagerate the issue.

    Cheers mate


  2. Hey guys,

    Started to notice discomfort with my clutch tonight while I was driving.

    I'm not sure if the clutch is about to go out or not, I've never had to get one changed so I'm not to sure what to look out for.

    Anyway, here's what I noticed;

    when I step on the pedal it seems to make like creaking noise ( like an old door hinge).

    After a few shift changes ( eg; completing 1st to 3rd or 4th the pedal seems to be sorta stuck halfway when I depress and wouldt bounce back up and needs to be pulled up gently with my foot )

    however, I do not notice any slipping or high RPM with low torque..

    Anyway, clutch experts out there, please do help me and advise me that I need a new clutch or if something can be done to fix it..

    Thanks in advance and hopefully I do hear some advise from u guys..


  3. There's plenty to do to ur car to improve performance obviously. It all depends on ur budget and how many kws u want to get out of it..

    The best thing to do is go to a meetup or cruze in ur state with other SAU members and have a chat with them and ask them what they've done to their cars..

    Which state r u from? Check out the events calendar too..

  4. Welcome.. Pod filter after turbo back exhaust to get a nice noise from the engine bay.. Adds a lil more power to it to as ur car will breathe better too..then I think a boost controller would be ur next step (just don't boost over 12psi ) assuming u have a stocko turbo.. Them if u want an after market engin management , I reccommend an apexi power fc.. Defectable item though.. But for now just get a pod filter, it's awesome ull love it.. Ohh and don't forget a front mount(gives u bit more hp too) when u get a cooler, just do some research on it first cuz depending which state ur from, if u don't get it engineered properly (for example ; in Vic if u get one where u need to cut holes it is defectable).. Anyway enjoy and if u have any question in the future just ask cuz everyone here is more then happy to help.. Have fun!

  5. I reckon go the piano black.. It'll look clean n look standard.. But then again , ur car ur choice.. What r u leaning towards? While we're here dya just get the paint from autobarn? If yerr wadya ask for? Cuz I'm doin mine soon.. N one more noob question.. Would u need to take the dash off or just paint in inside the car? Sorry for using ur thread to ask these quetions btw.. Cheers


  6. Welcome mate! I've only just joined up last month, but believe me, these guys r very very helpful.. If u need info on anything, don't hesitate to post. They've helped me a lot.. Anyway enjoy ur stay. Cheers

  7. hey guys, as the subtitle suggests, i am after a DIN pocket for my 1994 R33 GTS-T as i will be installing a Single DIN head unit to replace my old Double DIN head deck.. please tell me if i can just purchase that from like JB or strathfield or whether i have to go to the nissan delaer.. approx cost would be good too guys. thanks in advance!

  8. Hey guys, good help wanted( cash paid)

    can anyone help install the lot?

    Head unit ( single decker with DIN pocket below)

    Front speakers ( straight swap )

    Rear speakers ( some cutting maybe required )

    Sub and amp in boot ( basic install )

    or if u know how to install a boost gauge on pillar, cash is paid too

    2" boost gauge

    If anybody is interested in helping for cash please post here or PM me with how much u would like.

    The reason why I've decided to post here rather then getting it done professionally at JB etc is because I've been quoted $400 for audio install and that's a lil pricy for my liking.

    I'm in S.E suburb but willing to drive to ur place for installation. Cheers guys!

  9. Hey mate, I just went through a very similar problem to urs. Thought of everything and did everything and couldn't find out where the problem is coming from. Chucked in on the dyno, everything was fine, took it to a performance shop and got computer diagnosis and it returned as normal, anyway, found out it was the air filter box, worn. Changed that and only $300 later and my car runs like a dream. Perhaps ur experiencing the same problem. Check the condition of ur box and look for loose wires etc.. So anyway, Mine was doing it at 2600rpm.. Sounds v similar to ur prob though.. Hope it helps

  10. Yeah TTF is a decent place.. Have bought 2 sets from there.. Big range (depends which branch I suppose) dandenong branch has a few choices.. And as for price , if u go to the dandenong one and tell them ure paying cash, they're pretty good with prices. Bought a set of 18" with Tyres, Price asked was $2200 and ended up getnvthem for $1650 . So yea.. Happy shopping!

  11. Hey guys, haven't had the chance to post till now.. Awesome cruise, lookin forward to more in the future. And I don't know if u guys realized but I had to leave without saying goodbye cuz I had an urgent call from the misses on the way to chinabar and had to take a left turn on to the freeway. Anyway it was nice meetn u all. C youz next time!

  12. Hi, my mums car had the same prob.. I don't think it's bacteria problem n doubt it really is cat piss! It's the heater core, most likely leaking n will affect electricals too like cd player and etc.. Mist change asap before problem branches out. What ur smelling is actually the burning smell of leaves that actually got into ur engine bay which prob contains animals piss.. Let me guess, ull find it hard to get rid of mist from ur windscreen too? If yes then u r experiencing the same problem. Anyway I could b wrong but get it checked out soon..

  13. Hey guys, lookn forward to the cruze tomorrow as it will be my 1st one.. Only one stupid, really stupid question though, wouldn't it be awkward if I rock up and not know any1? Cuz I was planning to bring some ppl around but they cancelled because they'd rather go to the beach.. Anywayz

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