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Posts posted by SmoothLine

  1. Thats weird, I saw ths exact car broken down near the yatala brewery with 4 guys in shorts standing around it two days ago...

    They had no shirts on, but couldnt get the car running... shame.

  2. It's great that you eat meat. I was having a conversation with one of my friends the other day about eating meat and that in order to eat meat you should have to go out to the Abbotoir (sic) and press the button to kill a cow yourself. Just once. Because then you could have no illusions about where meat actually comes from.

    Are you flirting with me? I can't tell because I'm basically a high functioning Aspergers.

    Genuine ROFL...

  3. are you the girl from the movie "hard candy" and if so, where can I get one of those red hoodies that will fit me as a guy. they seem to make them for girls but I don't want a girl's hoodie. If you're not then nevermind.

    oh hey, of you're from like "the land" what sort of R.M Williams boots should I buy. I can't decide whether I should buy brown ones or black ones or what sort. and since you know how to castrate cattle then you should also know about boots and how to cook steak.

    I didn't go to a country school, and righ tnow I am dinking a cup of tea. With a saucer underneath it. At a table with a tablecloth on it. I am dissapointed that you are not posh.

    I wear ironed clothing for the same reason I choose to not live in abject squalor. Because I choose to maintain a standard.

    Followed closely by the above...


  4. I love how polite Becks is. Going by how polite she seems on the forums I imagine that she must be very posh. I bet that she's drinking a cup of tea right now. With a saucer underneath it. At a table. With a tablecloth on it.

    Beck, you are awesome. You should come over and tell me how I'm ironing my shirts all wrong.

    That is the funniest thing I have read all week!! bahahaha

  5. i remember one time years ago when this guy came up to me at a meet and said hey arent you smooth like from the forums, im like dude seriously look around at the skylines yes, from sau. He continued on like yeah man you and a few other guys are pretty funny. I was like hahaha, but hey seriously not funny. He then proceeded to try and touch my wang while no one was looking, he gave a subtle wink too which didnt exactly make me want to kick a supergoal. Im sure Jay saw it but he didnt want to be caught up in it and besides there was an interesting story on 60 minutes.

    So I told the guy it wasnt appropraite and he needs to get out some more. He then tried to put his arm around me and then the police came and said hey you guys, cut this standing around out, you are scaring people. Eug just stood there and said he why so cranky captain? The guy went on to say his wife left him and he cant really feel normal without drinking these days. The dude who tried to touch my wang just started crying and tearing his clothes off, bens mum didnt let him come out anymore which was sad because he was so short and liked downhill skiing.

    So yeah... I wont be there. But may drive after if my new car has arrived.

    I invented less than three...

    Special hugs to Josh, James, Ed and anyone else I have met personally.

    The rest of you, shame.

  6. ROFL @ noskylinesaustralia

    Mark, id been keen to catch up with you guys, just not tonight! :D

    Should make this a semi regular event, there are some guys I havnt seen for years it'd be great to catch up with. Would be great to get alot of the old thursday night people together.

    PS: I heard a rumour you drive a VW... True or false? :P

  7. To be a write off the value of damage has to exceed 70% of the cars insured value, some companies will repair up to close to full insured value... If it was 50% it would have been repaired in most cases. If you had to fork out the cash would you repair 70% of the car or pay 100% of value for a new one? Still saving 30% if repairing...

  8. Hello Eug and Jason... :rofl:

    On topic:

    When I had my skyline I didnt do a trackday mainly because I didnt want to break anything as it was my daily driver. However, upon reflection if i had the car now I would do track days all winter. If you tastefully modify a GTSt for a track purpose instead of chasing XXXrwkw, you should be fine and have a ball. Hell, Jason has been doing it for years and has been quicker than most...

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