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Posts posted by AussieR31

  1. Firstly I'm not looking for peoples opinions as I don't want this thread closed. I just want see if anyone knows anything about this or has had it happen before.

    I got pulled over this evening on the way home from work, I pushed in a little bit merging to get across to a turning lane in traffic and the car behind me decided to sit right up close behind me up to and into the cnr, I accelerated out of the cnr harder than I normally would of (no breaking of traction etc.) to move away and looked behind me and saw red and blue flashing lights come on in the windscreen of the car behind so I pulled over. A guy in plain clothes came up to my window and asked me to turn my car off and get out. He promptly told me he wasn't from the police but the Hoon Squad? He rattled of the hoon laws and asked if it was my car and was it registered and did I know I could have my car impounded for what I just did. He didn't ask to see a license or my name or where I lived or any of that stuff but informed me my cars number plate would be put on record?

    There were a few other things as well, the car was a late 90's maroon Land Rover Discovery, there were just red and blue flashing lights in the dash, no strobes in the headlights, no lights at the back either, he didn't park away from the kerb like police normally do when they pull u over and he didn't show any form of badge or ID as off-duty or undercover police normally do. The more I think about it the more it seems like it was illegitimate.....

    Same thing happened to me coming home from work yesterday. About 4.45pm, some old scruffy unshaven guy in his late 50's or 60's, pulled me over in a black land rover discovery. Don't ask me why I pulled over, he had orange and white lights mounted on top of his rear view mirror. He walked over, I didn't know what was about to happen, I thought he might want to fight, from the look of him. Did not look like any kind of law enforcement I have ever seen. Also, he did not park away from the kerb, but pulled up right behind me. First he told me he was from the 'Hoon Squad' and he was going to impound my car. I asked him what for he said he had me doing 97 in a 60 zone, I told him straight 'F' off, I never went over 70 on my speedo, then he changed it to 77, lol. Told me he had me on camera and he wasnt a police officer. Asked me if the car was mine, registered under my name, then asked if I had been pulled over for any other traffic offenses. I told him i've had a few minor 10km or less while on my p's, he said this is my lucky day, told me I had a choice to make, either impound my car for 2 months or have my plates on record for a year, and if I make another 'hooning offence' I would have my car impounded for 6 months and lose my license for a year. I said I'll take my chances and he told me to get out of there and I did. The whole thing seemed so BS, the guy looked just like your average everyday pedaphile.

    Omurru, this is f**ked up, I live in Epping. This prick pulled me over on Dalton rd. I sped up from 50 to 70 and merged into the left lane also, this guy was riding me too. WTF is going on around here, who is this so called 'hoon squad'. Oh yeah when has there been a 60 zone in Dalton road, he didn't even know the speed limit!

  2. Lol, funny shit

    Even funnier, my post was irrelevant, I didn't read the prices (3 for $15) before I posted, I cannot get prices any lower, and also I did not know they had that deal going, I checked up, everywhere except Boronia and Keon Park has this deal running, and I work at Keon Park. Sorry and don't I feel like a dickhead! :)

  3. Paintballing is mega fun. I did it a few years ago @ moama (just past echuca ova nsw border). We went away camping for the weekend (in echuca) and did the whole paintball thing. It was pretty sweet, except gettin hit in the back of the neck from close range, that did hurt.

    Pretty sure I'll be there, put me down as a maybe, gonna hustle up a few friends :)

    On a side thought it'd be pretty sweet if we did a weekend camping thing etc, maybe over 2 days over a long weekend? Any suggestions, feedback...?

  4. Hi guy don't think I'll be coming to this. As it stands, I work for AMF, so I will inquire into getting a discount for SAUVIC. As staff I get $3 games. Don't wanna shoot myself in the foot, but if so will probably get games for around the $5- league practice rate.



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