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Posts posted by R31Nismoid

  1. Removed pointless posts. If I CBFd working out how to warn people, I'll go and do it later.
    Keep childish workshop warrior to Zip Ties facebook group.


    7 hours ago, Kinkstaah said:

    The SAU policy of not having any negative criticism towards workshops and only positive stuff does result in some very shoddy stuff happening at many workshops that are 'recommended' because of the confirmation bias.

    This is a legitimate issue if you use this site for research about where to go.

    Going to pay the legal bills when the site owner gets taken through the legal wringer because of it? There have been a number of issues over the year with legal action due to users thinking they can just spew whatever rubbish around they want.

    So until someone wants to pay the bills - the rules will be followed - and that is zero tolerance to slander. You get a court ruling backing up your story (AKA, the Edward Lees stuff), go for your life as it's no longer someones mates, 3rd cousins story.

  2. At this stage, no more SAU Nats.

    The past two years didn't see the best attendances with basically only the VIC guys really attending in numbers (there were more VIC guys in SA, than SA guys for example), and last year hardly any NSW's travelled apart from yourself and Nick.

    Most states have that many events on already, one more in the calendar at a national based level seems not to be working so well right now.

  3. Quite often pricing can change without notice as a business, as opposed to a private seller.

    If this happens, you'd need to go back to all forums you sponsor to alter the price in addition to anywhere else you list it (ebay, facebook or otherwise).

    That's quite a bit of work.

    So it makes logical sense for some of them to do this. If the business selling price went up by $20, you called up and said "but I saw XXX price here", you've gotta honour or have an unhappy customer.

    • Like 1
  4. Ok so 2016 brings with it - SAU-Vic old school cruises.

    I will try and run most of them where I can. They will be doing a lot of routes that the common cruises these days do not and likely routes you probably haven't really taken before. A lot of these we did circa 6-10 years ago and were always a good fun time on great roads.

    The first one is as follows:

    When: Thurs 28th Jan - POSTPONED, New Date TBA Shortly

    Time: Kick off 8pm, departing at 8.15pm SHARP.

    First Meet Point: Melb Zoo - Map location to come

    Where are we headed: Towards Sunbury and across to finish in northern suburbs. The actual route you'll find out on the night as we will give out maps.


    Can non-club members come?

    Yes, absolutely. All that is required is a gold coin donation and you will be a 24-hr member of SAU-Vic. We need you to fill out a basic information form and you then receive a map/instructions etc.

    At the end of the year ALL of the money from the cruises will be donated to the Royal Children's Hospital as a donation. So you are helping a good cause simply by coming for a drive.

    If I am a member, do I need to give a gold coin donation?
    Not a cent. You are more than welcome to donate money (that goes to charity) if you wish, either way you'll get a map without any issues.

    Extra information!!!!

    - You must be a SAU-Vic member to drive (or, have given a donation for a map). We will be noting down everyone's details so we have a record of everyone that attended etc

    - This is meant to be a fun cruise, so we shall have fun! Good roads, good people - happy days.

    Any other questions post away!

  5. Jap's were doing 8's back in late 90's in sequential boxes. dont know how long they lasted but I would go with the th400... just because I didn't do it and want to know how it would feel street driven daily.

    They were also doing them with H-Pattern boxes lol.

    You've also got another choice - Samsonas. Quite a few WTAC cars this year were running them, I suspect they are part sponsoring a few cars to get the name out there - logical business sense.

    So not sure how good or not good they are, certainly something to look into given local support etc.

    Albins also have been doing good work and releasing various upgrades to lots of boxes lately, which is interesting.

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