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Posts posted by changi

  1. a fair percentage of the 32 Godz have been stolen over the years; on this forum it was common to have owners' bleating [myself included] about having a GTR 32 disappear without trace. so i expect they are now either, trashed, bashed, buried, or reduced to indivual parts. the more pristeen of of those stolen are probably in back yard sheds awaiting 'rebirth ' as prices improve.

  2. hi,

    I imported a '92 GTR myself three yrs ago, one owner, grade 4, full logbook and svc history, 28K km, no prang history or touch up paint and overall vgc. cost just under $30k. [landed registered insured] this type of car is now more expensive but, to counter that , the $AUD vs JPY is now more favourable.

    good luck

  3. I've been travelling in the US for the last 6 mths, so missed the meetings. will be at the Feb night though.

    good to keep this a regular thing.

    whilst in the States I went to the '2011 Sturgis Motor Cycle Rally...200,000+ bikes..one small town [sturgis]...one week!!. fantastic.

  4. Two gays in wheelchairs might have trouble getting down the Church Aisle.

    don't tell me 'abled bodied' tax payers are going to have to shell out more of our 'tax dollars' to widen church aisles...sounds like it is high time for an "Aisle Widening Tax"; naturally,such a tax should only be paid by 'Wheelies'!!.

  5. re; the Julia Gillard v's Barak Obama salaries/pay scale.

    Julia has been far better at screwing Australia than Barak has been at scewing the USA...therefore she deserves a far better pay packet!!.

    we have to remember, Julia was handed a thriving Economy with plenty of money in the bank. poor old Obama, was handed a basket case with huge debt!. Julia is way out in front..go Girl!!!

  6. i think you are missing his point. he wasn't saying they are tax exempt, simply saying (albeit sarcastically) that plenty of tax dollars from physically able people goes to paying for wheelchair access into buildings (government buildings, schools, etc)

    you are missing my point...disabled people pay tax; therefore they pay for their own ramps at government, etc buldings. no doubt some of their tax helps to pay for the steps that abled bodied people, with 'crippled minds'use.

    anyway, let him speak/post for himself.

  7. Gay people have been paying tax on your civil rights for years...

    And what about disabled people in wheelchairs? Bastards are leeching off my income tax when we build their wheelchair ramps...

    talking about sick; your mind is crippled and should be in a wheelchair....since when have disabled persons been tax exempt!!.

  8. Its a topical subject right now is it.

    I really dont care what the outcome is. What does piss me off is that this seems to be the main topic focus for the government right now, surely they have more important things to be talking about right now.

    you have hit the 'nail on the head'; I expect our Govt to be working out things like: how to prevent food prices going through the roof, stopping the big banks from screwing the 'little guy', etc,etc.

  9. I saw a programme on AUSTAR recently where a bloke was in love with his car [an old V-dub beatle, sort of like a Herbie of movie fame!!.]]; he had a recognised medical condition [can't remember the name] where the sufferer falls in love with an object rather than another person. this bloke would lovingly kiss his car on the guards, bonnet and other 'intimate' places and, gently fondle the exhaust, then make love to it. so, using logic, as one 'poster' suggested earlier, and according to the new Labor Party resolution/platform of 'EQUAL LOVE, EQUAL RIGHTS'; this poor, sick bastard, should be allowed to Marry his V-dub, use it as a tax write-off and adopt other little V-dubs!!!. great; we are definatey heading in the right direction Australia!!.

    'ONYA' Labor Party...

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