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Posts posted by eiresgaus

  1. Not sure if this has been asked before, can't find anything by searching.. Link appreciated if i've missed it

    Anyway.. I have a Singapore international license which is a full license, got it in 2008, and lived in Queensland last year so got me one of their licenses and they had no problem giving me a full license based on the fact my international one was full too. Considered changing to a NSW license but the RTA person I spoke to said I'd have to do my green P's, but if I just keep my other 2 licenses there shouldn't really be any problems.

    However, I'm looking at getting an R33 GTS-t and as I've read, a Skyline is a magnet for police and they'll try get you for anything they can, so would anyone know or have any ideas on the situation I'd be in? As I do technically have 2 different full licenses, but under NSW law based on how long I've been driving for I should be on green P's. Any opinions??

  2. I think the fact is that with kewell's red, the referee was put in a position where he had no other option than to show red. He's blown the whistle for kewell preventing the ball crossing the line with an arm. Whether or not it was deliberate (I don't believe it was), in the referees mind, based on what he'd blown the whistle for there was little other option than to send kewell off.

    Still think you guys should have won it in the end. For a tall bloke like Chipperfield, that header for his first touch should have at least been on target.

  3. By Biomed carpark do you mean the botany street multi storey? think i've seen this car in there a few times, looks great.

    they make it stupidly easy though to steal a car from there if, obviously, there are no CCTV cameras in that whole carpark?? The lighting in there at times can be shocking at certain times of the day. Can't believe someone would have the nerve to steal a car from there though..

  4. I've only been in Sydney since March, international student at UNSW so I'm gonna be here for the next 4 years.. hopefully. Seen so many awesome skylines around the place and would love to get my hands on an R33 soon enough.

    Been lurking for about a month now and only decided to join now for some reason! Hopefully the classifieds section will be my friend eventually!

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