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About FullySicSkylineChick

  • Birthday 03/07/1984

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  1. Nice work on the article Danny!! I made all here in the ACT buy a copy!! Very proud!! I especially love where your girlfriend is mentioned twice, that is so sweet and I know she will love that!!! Will see you when you bypass Eastern Australia on your way to protecting all of us here!! Miss you heaps!! Mmwwaa!! Love Jo :love:
  2. Richard, as Danny said I ain't in the Navy. Don't ask how we met hehe. What Danny meant by "legal Sec she has the brains, I dont" means just that.. he ain't go the brains (just kidding). Nice to meet you by the way. Shuto-Boy, glad to see there was a skyline with a carbonfibre bonnet... very nice. I'm doing ok on the other side of Australia. Wish I was in WA for longer. Will be there permanently soon enough. Hope you are fine in WA. I enjoyed coming over to the PAS and I got to be there for Danny too. Use to travelling to cities in Australia with Danny for car shows. Soon he will have to come to support me when I do up my car and enter into car shows hehe. Love to attend track days, cruises and dyno days with you guys. Probably won't be over in WA again this year due to work committments and the fact that I use up all my leave to attend car shows hehe. But I will over a few times again next year so make sure there is an event on when I come over!! Hi Lauren. So great to meet you. Which car magazine cover you on? I think you were (and are) an asset to the club. Have gotten over the cold. Wasn't good on the flight back though. And on the plane I had a guy next to me that would not shut up all the way to Adelaide, which is about 2 and a half hours. I started talking about cars which he obviously did not have much knowledge of so it shut him up for a while that a chick knew more about cars than he did. Hehe. I hope to see you again next year when I come over. Take care. Hi Paul. It was great to come over and help you guys out. Don't think I was too much help but I had a good time with you guys. Danny did appreciate it, and if he didn't, he better!! hehe Hope to see you when I come over again. Once again, congrats on the dyno!!! Hi Danny. Yep, we will be there at Summernats for another year. As least your car will be over here so we can go cruising and show those "fully sick commodore mate" boys what a real car is hehe. Plus we need to start looking for my project car so I can kick your arse when I do it up. hehe. Would love for you to pay for my flight to come over again Nah, I'll be there. Love ya. Erik - look forward to seeing you again sometime next year. Great meeting you!! Joey - Thanks for posting the pic. At least Danny looks like more than a dumb arse than me hehe. Again, it was so great to meet you all. If anyone is hitting the Summernats at the start of next year (if you want to travel to the other side of Australia that is) let me know and I might see ya around. Plus if you ain't use to Canberra, I can show you what limited night life we have hehe. Take care all. Btw... I have been part of skylinesaustralia for at least a year... just got bored with my old name and thought this one was funny. Didn't realised it rhymed until Danny told me. Cyas!!!
  3. Hey guys This is Joanna, Judged's girlfriend from Canberra that was at the PAS. Sorry I was not too much involved, I picked up a bit of a cold and it brought me down a bit. Just like to thank you all for a great car show and you all made a really good team. Congrats to Paul on the dyno. It was great meeting everyone and I hope to meet up with you all again when I am over that side of Australia. Danny, I read your message... very sweet and I loved being there with you at the car show. Plus I'm use to putting up with you hehe. Thanks again guys Jo
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