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Joe Nash

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Posts posted by Joe Nash

  1. i honestly didn't read everyones info here, but i would like to put my 2 cents worth in, my misses has one, has had it from new, the only problem we have had with it so far is that for some unknown reason the radiator cap stuffed up, and as such caused some serious over heating to the engine, got that fixed by the "family" mechanic but now has some weird ticking noice and doesn't like early morning starts.

    now i also just bought my first skyline a few weeks ago and to me she wants my car more then her own car, to me this is funny, but said at the same time, as the holden brand has been known to be a good car in australia for a number of years, but looks like it is down sizing everything so they can keep there high profits.

    anyway, my two cents

  2. this has given me something to think about, i know that dodgy things can happen on eBay, but the way this has been worded, has given me a reminder of when i bought some items off a guy, i went away and asked the misses to keep the payments going each time, she forgot to do so, and as such came back to a some what angry message from the guy, but as the money had not been payed and just sat in the bank, i was able to do the remainder of the payment to him to which he was happy, but i could clearly see that to him i was doing the dodgy to him in a way.

  3. Got a 1.6 nissan, mostly in pieces, but would be willing to put together and sell to you if you like, run fine not problems and i think it would help you understand things a little better, however, in saying so, those little DIY engines are good as they are clear (i think if they are the ones i'm thinking about) and let you see everything, also, if you like i could seel you the gear box as well.

    Just if your interested tho.

    Get a shitty old busted engine...disassemble...learn...assemble...do it for real with a workship manual. It's just like Lego!

  4. well like so many people have said on here, there are a few good officers and a few bad ones.

    an example for a good one, got pulled over for doing 110 in a 60 zone (was young and dumb at the time), but as we had just come out of a 80 zone, he booked me doing 110 in a 80 zone, to me i can see that he was being nice to me and did everything in his power to help me.

    an example of a bad officer (not the best one), was cruising with some mates, not doing anything wrong, not speeding, no loud music, just enjoying the cruise, cop pulls us over and then spent the next hour trying to find something to book me for, treated me like i was worth less then dirt, and her partner was the same way.

    and a example of a officer who was obviously board out of his mind, cruise again, had a small shower which soaked the road a bit, stopped at a red light, with a golf GTi in front, light turns green he goes my foot slips off the clutch spun the wheel for about 2 seconds, corrected the car, and proceeded to go home with my mates, he then pulled me over when i was like 5 minutes away from the highway, told me i was behind him when i spun the wheels, told him the truth of foot slipped and ended up correcting myself, he said that he believed me as he followed me for about half an hour waiting for me to do something stupid, then turned around and said, look just be careful and don't do silly things, to which i said, not planning to. He to was a nice officer

  5. sounds like the night was good, sorry i didn't make it but i was around the 4500 K's mark away at the time getting tanked, if there is a little meet up this weekend i might be able to come along and meet up with a few people, one of those rare got nothing planned weekends

  6. Thanks for that mate, a total engine rebuild is on the table and will be getting done properly, using forged internals, but this will be done over time.

    the reason for the rebuild will purely the fact that the engine is getting a little old now at 160,000 + k's and like you have said, i want my car to be reliable, as this is my daily car as well.

    would a full rebuild with forged internals and a new aftermarket ECU be a wise choice as a first step in mods?

    thanks again for the help,


    Impossible to make 370rwhp (270rwkw) on a stock turbo. 270rwhp (200rwkw) is the limit.

    I think you really need to do some basic reasearch mate before you go looking towards 300rwkw (400rwhp).

    Its not a cheap excercise if you want a decent setup - and for goodness sake don't look for the cheap "ebay" special items. They will end up costing you double. Buy genuine the first time.

    You are looking at the upper limits of the stock motor as well, so unless you have cash to rebuild, dont be chasing limits that push the reliability envelope.

  7. thanks for that, i'll be checking those areas out soon, got a mate who had a R33 did some very minor things and got some good power, but i would like a little more then what he got.

    got another question here, is it possible to get 370 RWHP out of a stock turbo, changing things like ECU injectors F/pump and some other items?

  8. well thanks for the info so far.

    the car is a R33 GTS T, the only mods done are very small, 3" exhaust system from turbo back and FMIC, i also installed a turbosmart BOV and turbo timer when i bought the car.

    i'm not looking for ridiculously huge amount of power, more after more then stock power, i believe that the R33 GTS T came with about 180 RWKW, and as such something like 300 RWKW would be more then enough for what i would like to have, i only asked this question as i was looking on eBay and found a few of them, but if it not really woth the hassel then i guess i will simple look at ECU turbo intake injectors and handiling side of things.

    Again thanks for the help so far.


  9. Hi all,

    The name is Nash, Joe Nash :P, na, just call me Joe, just bought my first skyline after many many years of wanting one, is a standard R33 GTS T, maroon, with very little mods.

    Hope to get some nice power of the beast and catch up with people on here

  10. ok, i have just finished reading this whole thread, and there is something i have noticed that has not been answered.

    if you don't plan on doing any sort of drifting but might enjoy the occational mountain run here or there, do you really need to do this HICAS lock?, or is this simply a good idea as the HICAS has a tendency to f**k up on people?, also, a simple question, might not be simple to answer, but the misses and i went for a longish cruise and on the way back the HICAS light came on and stayed on, didn't seem to affect anything, but we stopped at a mates place to let them have a look at my new car, took him for a quick spin and noticed that the HICAS light was off, is that something i should be worried about?

  11. Hi all,

    i recently bought my very first skyline, been wanting one for the best part of the last 10 years, and as somewhat young fellow who listens to his parents, never managed to get one until now when i have saved up and said nope SU mum and dad, i want it so i'm getting it.

    any way, my car is a R33 GTS T, running quite stock, bought it with the only items done being the FMIC and a 3" from turbo back with a muffler to a 4" tip (please note not a cannon), the car also came with a nice GTR body kit containing the front bar and side skirts.

    Since owning it, i have done a few things to her, put in a aftermarket plumb back turbosmart BOV, to replace the stock one, a turbo timer and my stereo from my old car.

    however, since i don't get my license back till september, the misses has been driving it, and i must admit, sitting in the passenger seat, the car feels very nice.

    now i know for a fact that this car will not be staying standard at all, so i will be asking a lot of question.

    thats all for now

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