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Everything posted by EPOCH

  1. slow day. oh well another day another dollar.
  2. haha so your bro is anme fan russ?? the weird storylines are the best. ofcourse im a bit strange
  3. haha i would have no room for clothes in my suitcase if i did that paul
  4. anime zanda hentai is just pointless if i wanted porn it would have real women in it. although i do have one which could be classed as hentai its pretty harmless.
  5. thats ok russ i got 6 seasons of buffy and 4 seasons of angel in boxes right here doesnt come close to my anime collection though
  6. seeya ross. buffy isnt a harlot alex she just sleeps with lots of guys
  7. of course i got excited i love buffy hahaha that sounds sad.
  8. thats one event i have to be in perth for
  9. russ were they seperate dvds or 15 for a box??
  10. haha yeah i miss the night sessions stupid brother.
  11. not up to much just get to do some night whoring on the work laptop
  12. hey people hows it going??
  13. probably either around christmas time or when i get enough fold together to buy a line. If a big event looks like happening i may also come down then.
  14. nothing much. hung over on weekend worked today nothing new really. oh drifted my ute around in some mud on sunday though was mad fun.
  15. hrm sticking around. yeah i spose i will for a little while.
  16. it didnt go quite like that paul hahaha
  17. hello anyone else not have a life? ??
  18. pfft not cushy job. no clients = no money for me
  19. arrghh i've been sitting in the office for 45 mins waiting for a client. geeting bored i finally check the messages on the phone - they aren't coming in today. I'M SOOO ANGRY !!!!
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