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Posts posted by Bonkers

  1. ...

    I congratulate Dan and pity Jody...

    Rhys, yesterday Anne and I gave her a stubbie and explained how he was born 2 weeks late and has been late ever since.............

    now theres food for thought - arrange a free one way train ride for Dan in his jocks, as luggage, on his bux piss-up. :P

    Any other suggestions guys?

  2. ... Dan, says

    "I no longer have a girlfriend"

    I was woken with a similar phone call at 10:36pm tuesday night.............

    I was just about to console him with 'don't worry mate, she was a *&^%% anyway, when he lobs with "we are now engaged"

    Had a few beers with Jody last night and tried to talk some sense into her.........

    Will try the same with Dan next chance I get..........

    Good to see two of my best friends getting together!

    Congrats from Mum and Dad

  3. falls off wagons..................

    falls off balconys.................

    you could argue that this is fatz's weight going down :D

    nads, I'm goin' OK, struggling to reduce the number of benders per week as well. ru going to attend the show and shine on the central coast? I've been thinking it could be an opportunity to get a few of us together and help pete fall off something again.

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