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Posts posted by RBMunkie

  1. Doesn't help of course that we are a country of 22 million people on land that rivals North America (which has 300 million +) - admittedly we are a lot drier in the center than the USA.. but still.

    We have ridiculous costs of living, and we have to pay taxes and land costs that aren't reasonable even for a 100 million populous.
    I mean seriously $2 for a 2.0 litre bottle of milk?
    In the U.S.A it's like $1.25, and their farmers don't lose any money by going so low because they have such massive mechanised farms, here in Australia we undercut the producer then over price the product.

    I have noticed in this Country that everything is focused - you can't have one guy that has three attained major skills under 25.
    In the USA Mechanics are capable of learning body, paint and electrical all at the same time - here we take 4 years for each (Which is a joke, even the Teachers say that if it was all Practical work it could be done in under 2 years - but unfortunately a lot of people learn by reading not prac, and the same way opposite. We cater for both.)

    Australia's skill shortage is it's own damn fault.
    Now they are seeking Mechanical apprenticeships who have passed their ATAR.
    Since when did theory become the backbone of a hands-on industry?

    I can't get an apprenticeship around here because all the Audi, Mazda, Toyota, etc all want people who have their ATAR - who if you stuck a mechanical book under their nose, sure they'd understand it - but in hands on knowledge and practical application I would be light-years ahead thanks to common sense and a knack for mechanics.

    It's all a joke.
    The bar is too high for a country that is too low.
    We need more industry, less bureaucratic BS.

    Yes higher standards of education are good.
    But I am not gonna pay 600 bux rent a week to live in the city (In a F***ING FLAT 1 bed, 1 bath, 0 garage) to have a job that only pays 900 a week.
    It's ridiculous.

    This country needs to wake up to itself, "Stable population" what a joke. If anything, bring more workers in, bring back the massive smelting facilities, the refineries, etc - Trillions could be raked in, and instead of relying on other countries for trade for basic mineral we could actually lead the export industry and do bugger all importing.
    I have no problem with outsourcing workers.

    I just hate it when I see a guy get a job instead of me who I KNOW is being paid less than me, and has the same experience.
    If he was getting paid the same I wouldn't mind.
    All I see there is the corporation cutting costs for greedy purposes.

    Most of the people I work with aren't Aussies. LOL.
    So I hope no one here has come to the opinion that I hate migrants, I don't - I just hate that companies can pay them less and go "Oh yeah, same qualifications - but sorry, he's cheaper to hire and we can just cart him home if we don't want him anymore."
    I know thanks to fair work rights etc, that they get paid equally now, so that's no big deal.
    I'd just like companies to hire people from here who have a proven track record without needing a contract.

    You can put anyone on contract easily, but hiring someone and training them costs - I get that, and a lot of teens here in Aus think they should get everything for free and not have to work, but unfortunately the world has to spin, so we gotta work. And too many teams jump into jobs they don't want, receive half the training and the costs thrown at them - then leave because they see money NOW, not in the long run.

    Impatience is strong in the youth of today.
    I am impatient.
    But at least I can hold onto a job if it is worth it in the long run - which is why I am looking to do my major Trade as a mechanic while being a tyre fitter, so I can still earn enough money to save up and get by on.
    'Cause seriously.
    $381 a week first year. That's $200 for rent and bills a week, then fuel costs or train costs to get to work. Then food. 100 bux does me one week of food. Ouch. Nothing saved, and still working 35+ hours a week.
    That's why most kids leave and get a long term job and get minor skills with high pay.
    Which is also why the wage is so low - because the money you spend on them only just rivals the costs of materials they chew through with mistakes, etc per week.
    And if they nick off you are left with a hole full of cost and wasted time.

    So yeah, I see all the points I guess.
    ^None of that probably made much sense - but it's not my fault, taking enough drugs here to keep an elephant down thanks to all these tests and scans.

  2. Unfortunately, to pay for rego I have to sell my gaming PC.

    For that you get this:





    23" Samsung LED monitor.
    Dragon age 2 RAZER, High DPI mouse.
    Razer Mouse Mat.
    CM Storm Mechanical gaming keyboard.
    Logitech small surround sound speaker setup.

    Tower specs:
    AMD Phenom II series Quad core CPU clocked to 3.1 per core.
    2.0 TB HDD space (multiple drives), NON SSD. They are SATA.
    DVD Burner.
    ATI 7800 Series 2GB Gaming GFX card.
    12GB DDR3 RAM.
    1000 watt PSU.
    Antec multi fan, high flow case. Clear side panel with fan, 18 cm top fan, 3 12cm front fans, two rear. Bottom mounted PSU.
    Capacity for 6 Hard drives. All fans replaced with high speed ball bearing fans, and has an Antec 1.5" Heatsink with 14cm high speed fan also.
    All wiring is hidden and is a Blue + Black theme. (bar mouse and KB, which are red and black as my Android and G5 crapped out on me)

    To build (just the parts) cost in excess of 1500 dollars. Not including windows itself.

    Has served well, will come loaded with Windows 7, Steam, etc.

    That price is not negotiable.
    As it is pretty reasonable.

    Runs games at MAX settings.
    Never given me grief, and is reliable as (even with Windows... but Linux can't game all to well, so oh well.)

    Pickup from HORNSBY.

  3. Oh my apologies. Good to see your recovering/recovered!

    All the best with your GTR.

    Which I no longer have...


    I sold it to pay for the treatments.

    But the doc wants to keep tabs on me for another 12 months or so.

    And it would just be easier if I moved back to W.A.

    I only moved to NSW to help a family member out, who ended up f***ing me over.

    So now I'm stuck here.

  4. Your scaring me :unsure:


    I had cancer, which is why I so hastily sold the '32 GTR I was gonna fix.

    And now my Specialist wants to be able to keep closer tabs on me instead of me flying over every month.

    So yeah.

    The fact I can drive anything on P's is just a bonus.

  5. Officially - My Specialist lives in W.A.
    Which is the main reason I need to/Should move back there.

    Un-Officially - I like boost.

    I have genuine reasons to move.
    I also have non genuine reasons.
    Hope you guys understand that I am not doing it just to shortcut my P plate restrictions.

  6. I see all your points.
    But there is no way in hell I am staying here in NSW.

    Hassled every day by cops for my car, lose a job here, there's NO ONE hiring in my field at the moment, so I'm stuck on shitty shifts.

    That, and because I'm dumb, and slightly insane.
    I like instability.
    I intentionally throw my life into the blender.

    I wanna move to W.A to get away from things, and get TO things.
    I'm not looking for a job in the mines, pretty much any long term apprenticeship.
    I'm a solid worker, I finally want a stable job now that I've got rid of my debts, and I want to be able to do stuff that makes me happy.

    like get on boost...
    I will take any apprenticeship.
    Plumber, sparky, mechanic, panel beater, spray painter.
    They are all a means to an end, and even if the job isn't super entertaining, at least I can say that finally, I don't give a shit.
    I just wanna be able to drive a car that wont cause my head to explode.

    Here in NSW, I cannot drive anything nice because of the restrictions.
    I don't speed.
    I just like the sound of a 'gate, a shifter and a bit of spool while I get to the limit.
    That's all I want, but in NSW I can't have that.

    That and the Potato-Camera test is stupid for greens.

    So yes I am trying to make a shortcut by taking the long way.
    But it's because my DOCTOR said it would be good for me.
    (Yes, I'm DEAD serious about that, especially after the cancer.)

  7. Yeah.. I thought mining was going downhill?

    I have nothing against asians.
    But everything I see points to them hiring people because they can pay them less...

    But ehy, a mining job would be real nice.
    But I need a Cert 2 in tyre fitting to get into the job I want.

    And I need a Tyre fitting job to be able to complete my Cert II. :-\

  8. Hey all, I am ye ol' faithful (full of shit, shits and giggles... and well.. shit) wasteland asking if anyone here knows/has a Tyre fitting job going in W.A.
    And or if they know of/have a place for me to rent out til I get on my own two feet?

    I'm a reliable worker, and I am looking for long term, have experience in Fitting and Aligning and I am confident about my jobs.

    Looking to work 5-6 days a week.
    And would like to be relatively close to work as I will have to save up for a car.. Cause I'm poor at the moment after having the last business I worked for going bankrupt and thus being made redundant.
    Wanna get working again.


  9. Yeah I am talking the Perth area.

    Just hunting for a permanent Tyre Fitting job, then eventually move to Adult apprenticeship.
    I am looking, found a few, but just don't know the areas. I wont have a car when I move over there, and will have to save up a bit for one while over here, so I need somewhere close to work.

    So if anyone knows any Workshops looking for a Tyre fitter, help would be nice. :yes:

  10. Hey guys, been thinking about this for a while now.

    Wanna move to W.A.
    I need a job, and a place to stay short term til' I can find my own place.

    I was wondering what area's would be the best to find a Tyre Fitting job, and relatively cheap rent - but not in a shitty area. lol.
    I'm not looking for my own place, looking for a share house, etc.

    And when I get over there I'm gonna start saving again for another Skyline.
    Another R32 (more than likely.. ahahaha), this time - legally Turbo.

    Got nothing over here in Sydney anymore, so it only makes sense to move now.

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