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Everything posted by NYL83R

  1. only 2 weeks to go.... if any one could help me out with a blue r33 that would be great
  2. still after a blue r33 if anyone can help me out?
  3. sweet well the plan is so far.... 2 white 34's (stan and eric) 2 dark grey 33's (mine and lenno) 2 blue 33's (dave and ?) thanks for the interest, i'd love to have more people come, but i have to limit the cars a bit. maybe we could have a cruise later to celebrate or something
  4. getting closer to the date now , thanks for all the interest so far. could the people able to attend please pm me your details..... name, car model/colour, phone number. there is a limited number of cars that can attend, so please don't be offended if you are not able to go.
  5. drive safely people! Have a good new years
  6. the magic age is 26....mine was reduced from about 4500 to 1600...and no extra to pay by the month....GOLD! also i have never had full insurance before, but because i had had no seriour fines and a no accident record, they gave me the full no claim bonus!
  7. meh, fancy receptions are over priced plus with a bbq i can invite lots of people
  8. yeah that would be sweet.... any colour cars are welcome, i will do some colour co-ordinating when i get definate numbers those who stay a bit longer will be welcome to come to the reception...it's a bbq party sort of thing. not over the top or anything.
  9. yeah all colours are welcome.... Thanks for the interest so far a case of beer per car could send me broke depending on how many want to attend , i'll sort something out tho....
  10. If Sydney people are prepared for the drive up, you are welcome. Even if you do not want to stay long, the cruise up to the church is the important part, the ceremony normally goes for about 20mins or so.
  11. I'll post up more details later, but basically i'm after a few Skylines as wedding cars for my wedding on the 11th of Feb 06. the ceremony is at 3:30pm If i was able to get all dark grey R33's as the main cars, then some others to make up numbers, it would be sweet. But i'll be happy with anything really. i can only have about 6 cars i think, might be able to have a couple more. If you are interested in helping me out please post or pm me. if you could pm my your phone number, i can give you a call closer to the date. Once it is getting closer to the date i will pm or ring people to let them know exectly what is happening. Some hot skylines posed in front of the church will be an awesome photo op. Cheers, Chris.
  12. that sucks dave... i know when and if pulse performance is still around....it cost my mate $150 to get his car blue slipped to lift the defect....otherwise i'm sending a pm on someone else who could help. where could i go to get my mods engineered? any idea on prices?
  13. bummer man....sorry to here. yeah jeffro, but we had no problems going from speers point to soldiers point. we had a police car turn up, but they knew about the cruise so all was good. They just had a look at the cars. I don't blame you guys for cancelling tho, i prob would have done the same...
  14. Thanks to all that turned up.... Big thanks to Paul and Stace for organising the BBQ. shame about the people who said they were coming and didn't, after you catered for them. But with the text message scam, who can blam em i spose.... It was a great day though, with some awesome pics! Here is a few........ The police turned up at bar beach car park and hasled the sydney cars....what ended up happening there? i left pretty quickly when that happened.
  15. cya's all there bright and early at 9am
  16. Police have been notified in the Hunter.....so no probs if anyone is still keen they can either meet up with us in the morning at speers point or meet in the afternoon (to be confirmed)
  17. Paul has notified the police that the cruise is on, so we should have no problems We'll keep the cruise as previously planned. After Soldiers point we can work out want we want to do. I'll be handing out a map in the morning so noone gets lost .....Some things you might want to bring..... 1) UHF Radio 2) Chair to sit on at the BBq 3) Santa hat? (Christmas cheer) 4) Some cash for the BBQ ($5 for 1 or $10 for 2) 5) A Full tank of fuel....we dont want to have to stop half way cause someone forgot
  18. Anyone who is still keen, could meet up with us in the arvo at speers point park. this is not in newcastle so there will be no problem (20min+ from Nobbys) It's a shame to cancel after so much organising. pm me if interested.
  19. Any sydney people that want to cruise still are welcome....we will not be anywhere near nobbys.
  20. The cruise is still on.....we can meet back at speers point or just finish the cruise at soldiers point. But this cruise is still going ahead.
  21. report i found on newcastle message: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200512/s1530430.htm
  22. i would aggree and stay away from nobbys.....but don't cancel the cruise because of it...bar beach should be ok....or even if the cruise ended up back at speers point park, us newy people could meet up with you guys there
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