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Posts posted by gtr660hp

  1. actually......


    lol heheh lets not go there, but the v8s coming should be bloody great.

    cant wait. :(

    (I see Marc Jacobson is entered in Sport Mod?) not competing against theo to be first rb26 gtr on street tires into 8s???

    (Sport Mod = Slicks)


    Mark has stepped his car up and wants the security and traction of slicks

  2. run some more boost!


    Loved the 10.3 btw - will find my video of it and post if for ya.

    gtr660hp - where is your workshop mate out of intrest?

    one of the known performance joints?

    Also posted some vids of Reece doing 7.73 here:


    And tonight i heard GAS camry ran 6.99 at wsid testing!!!




    No my workshop is near Albion and its just a storage place for all my toys

    Bring on jambo :(

  3. Unfortunately, we will still most likely have to wait till after 11pm for each of the "local" races as they clash with the channel 10 news and the Bathurst coverage.

    I remeber one year the Japanese F1 followed on from the bathurts' taxi festival' coverage

  4. Im lookin forward to some F1 action in our time zone (no more fkn late nites) bring on China & Japan......I hope Shumi can take it to the Spanish hair dresser and make it come down to the last race in Brazil

  5. :) what did the re-build cost you?

    I binned it and sold off most of the useful parts- manifolds, turbo's etc and bought another one from Japan that I knew was freshly rebuilt with JUN pistons-cost about 4k landed. If I had of rebuilt here instead Id say no change from 7k with desent pistons/rods. You can do it cheaper depending on piston/rod choice. The rebuilt one I have now has copped a huge caining and has not missed a beat :P

  6. WB is the king when it comes to broken drive line components.......if the boys have done a good track prep(and they usually do), then start line will destroy a few cars this weekend.

    WB = Tyranasuarus TEETH......

    If any intestaters need somewhere to crash and Adrian can vouch for them Iv got a unit in the city (also have a workshop near city too which may be handy)

  7. my initial post was to say remind them they need it as in the videos when they have been testing they didnt have a full exhaust. i was being nice and giving a friendly reminder in case they didnt know

    i have my skirt on thankyou,

    i am just saying to adrian post if people dont comply i will lodge a protest. i wasnt having a go at your buddy.

    i reckon street rwd is going to kick ass this year. 72 entire all ready and it would appear there are 4 or 5 cars that will be fighting it out for the national record.

    sweet no probs....they did know...anyway its all good and Street RWD is going to go off.....looking forward to it :dry:

  8. carlos didnt have the full exhaust on the saturday, he offered to withdraw from the class and just do exhibition runs. i dont know who made the decision but they allowed him to use the times for qualifiying and he had to run the full exhaust on sunday. i only found this out after competition had finished on the sunday night last year.

    as a competitor who runs to the rules every meet. i will be lodging protests for anyone who doesnt comply to class rules. if they dont do some thing about it adrian, i will pull every bit of trim & carpet etc to lose weight and go faster, if some one complains i will have my defence good for one good for another. and if they pull me out, i'll be the first to fire legal action up some ones arse.

    theres a rule book for a reason. people should read the f**king thing before they show up to race. the old i didnt know about it doesnt fly with me.

    Hang on...the car was only do andra licencing passes ...so no one is bending the rules....the car is being set up for Jambo now and will conform to all rules.......so keep ya fkn panties on

    *EDIT....confirmed pipe is already done

  9. that may be your opinion, but it's not mine. webber certainly deserved a car far more reliable than the one he was handed.

    No Webber got what he deserved for wanting a Williams drive when other better drives were on offer- I say suck sht to him for a discraceful lack of judgement.

    His driving has been good to very good no doubt-his choice of team was woeful so he needs to just cop it sweet-which I think he has done very well

    I dont rate Webber very well in the natural driver dept (he is no Senna) but he is a hard worker and sponsor's dream-but thats doesnt win races in an average car now does it - but i hope he has a better year next year but I dont think that will happen in any hurry-once again not the best judgement in team choice(unless Newey can pull a magical rabbit out of the hat)

  10. one figure tells a good story so far this year. MS 106 points. FM 62 points. less than half of MS.

    also sad that webber is in 15th place on the table only ahead of his team mate, Klien and Liuzzi (table doesn't show people on 0 points though). and he's equal on points with Kubica who's only been in 3 races and he's 1 point off Vilenueve.

    very bad year for williams. so much promise came to bugger all.

    How is it sad...Williams and webber got the year they deserved ..nothing ha ha :ermm:

  11. The brakes are DBA 4000 series rotors front and rear with fereodo pads. The gear box is R32 GTR standard, also it has the heaviest clutch i have ever experienced (hence the reason my wife can't drive it).

    OK thanks...Ill have a think..I need something with far better than a standard box cause it will last 5 mins with the power this car has got on the track (big weakness on these)

  12. ^^^^^^ yep thats what makes 2007 look exiting...I hope Kimi clicks with Ferrari and he has a huge season and maybe Massa can stick with him. Im sure this will put the wind up the sooky la la Spaniard.

    I still cant see Alonso settling in as well in his new seat.

    And what are Renault thinking with their 2007 driver line up????? No world champs trophies going to Renault for some time.

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