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Posts posted by smok74

  1. Hey guys, I've got a question regarding the installation of a boost controller into a SER II R33 GTST. Firstly, I've picked up a simple bleed-valve-type controller from Turbosmart, I'm using this until I get a digital unit in a month or two. Now, what I need to know is, from the factory, there's a tee-piece in between the vacuum source and the turbo actulator, this tee is branched off to a solnoid which bleeds back to the inlet.

    The question is, if I installed the Turbosmart bleed valve in the place of this Tee-piece (with the arrow pointing towards the actulator), do I simply block off the vacuum line running to the Solnoid? would it effect the overall performance of the car by doing this? I noticed there are wires coming from this solnoid so would it effect the way the ECU process imformation by disabling this particular parameter? Or should I disconnect the wires running to this solnoid altogether? Cheers guys, any help with this is highly appreciated. My email is [email protected]

  2. Same thing happened to me the night before the Newcastle Cruz a coupla weeks back but it was minor, I parked my '33 out the front of my mates place while we were inside having a session, then suddenly we all heard a light noise like two cars had made contact, I didn't bother going outside at the time to look cause we were all pretty bent and we weren't actually sure if anything did happened. I found the scuff mark on my front bumper a few days later. I know who it was because of the color of the mark left on my car but the stupid bitch didnt even have the decency to come to the door to let us know. If it was me who done that, I would've at least left a note on their window or something. Ever since then, the girl pretends that she didnt see us everytime we cross path...... guilty conscience maybe.......

  3. By the way guys, I just heard some1 mentioned the 'W' word....'Warranty'. Well, I'm not getting paid for sayin this but any1 interested should check out 'JAPLINK' at Haberfield in Sydney, they import Skylines along with many others. I recently picked up a serII R33 with 3 years warranty and 1 yr rd-side assistance. I know the law in NSW says any commercial importers must provide a min 3 months, but try 3 YEARS @ JAPLINK !! When I picked up my '33, they had a Silver GTR V-spec sittin there..... real horny lookin'...

    Plus most places instantly voids ya warranty as soon as they realise you've modified ya ride, well, JAPLINK modifies ya ride for ya and keeps ya warranty in one piece. GO TALK TO ROB !

  4. In a way I dont agree with the cops pickin on Skylines, Ive been in mine for a month or two now, I've driven past them everywhere and they havent bothered even lookin at me. Peoples: Dont make ya Skylines attention seekers! leave ya GREDDY stickers off the side of ya rides, dont act like cop-baits and you wont be. But then again, you get fools n idiots in every part of our society

  5. Stupid old clueless fool. Its not the car, its the friggin ATTITUDE of the friggin driver(s) that cause the problem(s). I've been driving on our 3rd world country roads for at least 15 years now and I finally gather up enough balls to go out and buy a R33, why? because I know 'P' platers CANT handle pissin into a pot talkin about handlin a high performance import..... Grow up kiddoes.

  6. I just picked up a '97 R33 GTST ser II for $26k with the full GTR kit, nice 17s,3 YEAR WARRANTY (YES ! THATS RIGHT ! 3 YEARS !!! ) , road side assistance and the yard (JAPLINK) thats got their own workshop actually encourages customers to modify their rides - I get Rob (Mechanic - Japlink- top bloke!!) to do all the work on mine, front mount and E-boost going in next fortnight.

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