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Posts posted by GtstCoupe

  1. Nismoid,

    They have it ovaled to allow for better unber body clearance ,Guessing with speed humps etc, HPI do a similer thing where theyrun to smaller diamer pipes into one,

    They look very cool but :) I so want one.

    There must be a reason why the stuck to a bellmouth style too,maybe more of an applicable range of turbos.,with out the need to remove dividers etc.

    There $693 - Delivered from Nengun, Not cheap that is for sure. But amazing quality.

  2. The Split pulse does flow more due to the wastgate and the turbine being seperated there

    for when the wastgate opens it does not interfere with flow of exhaust gases and slow down the

    turbines speed. and dropping boost.

    But that being said, if you intend on staying with stock turbo or a highflow then i would say get one

    but if you look at upgrading later on to a differnt aftermarket turbo, it not really worth it now,and for the most part youw ont really notice it

    all that mucha s you already have 3 in Dump and front.

    I have one but i upgraded from stock piping , so i carnt comment on the difference between bellmouth style

    and split Pulse, But split pulse is a little harder to fit interms of getting it bolted on as thereis limited room

    and usually you need tomove you aircon pipe that goes into the firewall over an 3/4 of an ich to clear the wastgate


    Here is my one :laugh:

    Cheers :P


  3. Yeah thats true dezz,

    Just to be sure i have had them check the part number 3 times and still active and current but they did say they can only

    get a limited amount, and they have checked with apexi, surely they would up date there stock system, wellyouwould think lol

    But this makes mewonder how a few traders have gotton a hold of 5+ more of the fc's too, they gotta be some where,

    there discontinued but maybe apexi were holding onto them and possible now letting a few out., sounds to good to be true i know lol

    May just be a case of direct tunning speaking to the right people to get them :laugh:

    Steve im being told 2 weeks, at this stage after payment , as apexi usa are to be receiving a few , otherewise it takes 4-6 weeks for

    special orders.


  4. I feel thease guys are the realy deal i have been talking with then for a few months now, and they have verified paypal accoucount and good feedback of 347 on it.

    But bill tends to send standard responses , i was talking to jack originaly and never got any ill feelings.

    But i know what your saying dezz, i am ready to send payment, but waiting for the usd to to up a little lol so i get it for 940aud delivered :P

    therefor i wont pay tax,i hope :P

  5. I think you will find the s15 one wont flow any more than the stock r33 one, and if it did i could not seing it be much more.

    tomei,nismo and hks pump for direct fit are around $370 to ur door, and flow at 250lph and

    are direct fit.

    Or look at the bosch or walbro direction even gtrpump is pretty good,but youneed to make it fit the cradle

    and is not to difficult.

    Cheers :thumbsup:

  6. Hey Mike,

    its Not really nessicery but you will gain more from the mods installed if you do, you can got the re-map route or powerfc,emange,safc neo etc.

    just depends on what you wanting to do with the car and if you intend on doing injectors,bigger turbo,cams and that later down the track.

    If you planning on leaving the car like this for some time,then definalty look at going re-map.


  7. Hey Shane,

    Plum back will be the sure way, but in saying that if you have you bov tight enough so that is closes fast you should be fine, i Run a blitz and its been fine never had it stall.

    If you have management or and safc or similer you can tune that stalling out.

    But for the sake of being sure =PLUMBACK :P

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