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Posts posted by Brett_A

  1. Im no photoshopper, but maybe as well as a new banner you could get people to post up the best 3 pictures of THEIR car.

    The moderators could all huddle together and pick out a certain number, and get the pictures to rotate at random next to the banner?

    Just an idea. Im sure many people would appreicate seeing a photo of all their hard work.

  2. The car I want is already done up and modified fairly well.

    The only problem with me trying to appeal is that they didnt say a point from when my suspension starts..

    It just says choose between them by the 18th and send it back..

    And MR_Italy, thats exactly right. With a new car, theres not a way in the world that I wont want to give it at least one little boot within a year, expecially with it being a GTR.

  3. I thnk im Iam going to appeal the not indicating one.

    Recently I had to get my indicators/wipers fuse fixed by an auto electrician as they would only work every so often..

    This would then bring the demerit points from that event down to 1 point(defective vehicle) instead of 2, meaing the demerits would only be 4(1 of the 4 im already contesting).

    This then means 3 points, and my points on my lisence then turn over on the 18th of this month.

    Hopefully it all works out and they only put it down to defective!!

  4. Hey guys,

    Hopefully some of you guys can help me out here.

    Today, I have been issued with a letter from the QLD transport, explaning I have lost my license.

    I have two choices.

    1. Good Behaviour driving - 1 point for 1 year.

    2. Lose license for 3 months and after the 3 months. get my 4 point, full license back.

    Iam leaning towards the option of losing my license for 3 months, because the chances of not being pulled over within a year in a sportish looking car is definatley slim.

    One thing there I have to sort out, because of general problems with cops being pricks, which is why im currently in a dispute with them.

    Now this is where my question arises, as I want to buy a certain skyline (GTR) on the market atm..

    If I do choose to lose my license for 3 months, is there any rule or regulation which lets me drive a newely purchased car from the point where I have bought it from, back to my home/destination the car will be stored?

    I hope this makes sense, im in a really bad mood atm as you could probabaly understand.

    In case anyone is going to say I deserve it, assuming I gathered the points from speeding than please dont.

    I did not get any of these points through speeding.

    Cheers, Brett

  5. Oh ok cool.

    Nah, its not illegal to own and drive a GTR in QLD. No power restrictions or anything here -- yet!

    Mayswell get in before they try and bring the laws in! :(

    GTR soon enough! As soon as I fix up my VLT (Blown head gasket and cracked head....... ) Friend is helping me repair it, so should be fixed in a week, hopefully sold in 1 or 2 more.. and then the search begins! :(

  6. Hey guys,

    Searched, but couldnt find any topics discussed.

    Could be rather stupid, but im farely new to the skyline scene (definatley would be considered a noob) and am looking to get into a GTR 32, very soon.

    Was looking through for sale adds and noticed VSPEC and non VSPEC.. This is where my question arises.

    What is the diff between both? :nyaanyaa:

    Cheers, Brett

  7. Hrmm.. Excess is $1790 lol..

    That could be why it is so cheap?

    Unfortunaltye I dont think I will be having a GTR within 30 days, because I have to sell my VLT first :)

    Want to save some more money first before I get into a GTR too.

    However, if you know someone who wants to swap a R32 GTR for a VLT with a cash adjustment, tell them to come see me! lol..

  8. Hey guys.

    Im looking to get into a R32 GTR in the very soon future and rang up Just Cars for insurance the other day.

    I am only 19, which I guess means I have a rating of 5? Have no accident history or anything.

    Car has rebuilt motor, bigger turbo's, mags and stereo.

    Anyway, I dont know if they stuffed something up or what, but I got a quote of $2531 for full comprehensive and an agreed Value of $23k.

    To me, that sounds very VERY low, as a mate is paying a little over $3k a year for his R33 gts-t skyline.

    Does that sound correct to you guys??

    Cheers, Brett :)

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