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Posts posted by WAN73D

  1. hate to spoil ur fun but i didnt have to take the front bar off...and others on this forum haven't had to either while installing r34 gtt intercooler on r33 series 2...

    not bragging...just for future referrence for anyone reading this and about to do it

    did take around say 4-7 hours ...just fiddling around.

    haven't tried a FMIC but i'm +1 for stock look (no defect) and getting most out of stock turbo before having to spend upgraded turbo + massive amounts on other parts for the even bigger power.

  2. bump

    people this car has to go

    car is in great condition and is ready to drive away.

    the kilometres on this car are quite genuine. I can assure you this is not one of those GTST's with 200,000 kilometres that has been wound back to 140,000, that you may be used to.

    With its genuine 87,000 kilometres this car feels very tight.

    so come see and throw us some offers.

  3. Just thought I'd let you know the exhausts isn't actually made by JASMA.. Jasma is the organisation that certifies whether certain exhausts meet legal noise limits over in Japan anyway.

    Nice car though.

    learn something everyday...

    ah its got JASMA stamped on it so i figured that was the brand..well whatever it is, it sounds nice...hehe thanks for the correction..

  4. hey guys

    I am advertising custom NSW plates on behalf of a mate

    the plates are: RUJOKN

    which reads Are You Joking?? (if u didnt already figure it out...hehe)

    they are black writing on yellow background

    these were on an 1987 BMW and are completely responsible for the looks it gets

    lookin around $10000. Though am open to offers. Have already recieved one offer.

    please contact:


    0415 233 869

  5. r33 s2 your a champ!

    i dunno how i missed that....that's more of an affordable price

    manwhore...ur diagnostic thing would be handy but dun wanna pay that right now

    plus as mentioned i have other motivations in putting on my split dump and not being keen to take the old rusted o2 out of the old dump

  6. thats a hot r32 man

    ....and thanks for the advice

    but i am now considering just getting a genuine one anyway as i have seen people getting the el falcon one wiring it up and it making no difference...ie its not compatible...i'd rather have piece of mind that my o2 sensor is entirely correct seeing as i also have plans for a re-map. my current o2 sensor says nissan on it so basically thats the original on a 17 yr old car with apparently 85ks on it.....dun like the chances of it being fit and healthy.

    tho i may give the "message people who've done the el trick" a go so thanks

  7. thanks for the replies guys

    but yeh i forgot to say that i'll be changing to a split dump pipee soon and i dont like the chances of getting my rusted 17 yr old o2 sensor out of the current dump to transfer over. plus i figure on a 17 yr old car its likely that this has gone or is due to go

    it is perhaps a good idea to test it as u say MANWHORE but, i guess it will cost me $30 for an multimeter or wateva to do the test....so if i can find an o2 sensor for around the $100 mark which im sure can be done (seeing as nissan generally charge 100% on something they've just rebadged...hehehe), it will be a load off my mind knowing the plug is new, rather then tested...and ok...but still 17 yr old and possible to die the next day.

    so just wonderin...because this is a part that people basically need if they want goood fuel economy, and as said nissan generally just rebadge stuff like this....so do people just get theirs from repco and if so what do they ask for???

  8. hey guys

    driving a r32 gtst

    my fuel economy suddenly went crap and i'm thinkin o2 sensor. i have read the o2 posts on this forum but cant find any conclusion. though most people do just say go to nissan. the sensor costs $195 there and this seems a but much. i tried repco and they said they only have a gtr one. so would this do?

    and i'm not keen on the el falcon one as this seems not quite concrete that we should be using this one

    the guy at repco said that he could look through NGK's or boschs lists if i had a part number. so just wonderin if peope have a part number for this

    and/or where do u guys get urs from

    worst comes to worst i'll havta go nissan as 200k a tank is killin

    help appreciated

  9. hey man i had a no worky or intermittent worky window as well

    all it turned out to be was a lose solder joint in the amp behind the door trim...all i had to do was open the lil black box behind the trim and re-solder the joint and it works everytime now, cost nuthin at all

    so i'm just sayin if u def no its motor gonsky then fine...but just keep a mind open and if ur feelin adventurous then think about this re-soldering

    ps, my window wss making the click sound as if to try and start to go down...but then the electrical signal wasn't making it all the way (loose joint). so if ya got the click happening then this could be it

    common thing in skylines

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