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Posts posted by BSK

  1. Hmm not sure which "ghetto" you're from :) ?? But I'm a bit confused by your logic !!

    nollamarra mayte!! "ghetto" ---> tongue in cheek ;)

    let me explain.... i like the look of a bombed city. now i dont mean graf in every which way u look, but down laneways, on old buildings, under bridges on billboard areas etc... gives the city character (imo). with graf there also comes "ethics". yes even vandals have guidelines (as discussed above). private property and buisness property walls that back onto main roads/freeways are fair game (again imo) so im not gonna preach "no vandalism on private property". but what your talking about is pretty ghey i agree. i dont wanna get all technical with do's n dont's. i was just giving you my opinion on what i feel is the ultimate dont.... vehicles.

    on the scale of 1 - 10 on the dont's i give it 10.

    this world is not all black n white if you know what i mean.

    hope that clears the mud that is vandalism a bit for ya. :D

  2. definately art, whether it be pieces or tags... it gives the streets character imo. love walking down random inner city allyways (especially in other cities) n checkin out all the paint.... theres history right there on the walls...

    a bombed city is a colourful one.

    the only thing that really grinds my gears is tags on private trucks/vans. that shits low.

    my 2c

  3. when i hit full boost at 1.2bar it cuts and pressure drops to about 0.6-0.7bar then re spools up then cuts then re spools etc....at full throttle. it wont hold it there

    its happened 2 out of the last 4 nights. problem seems to go away then come back again.

    its on an r32 gtst with gt2530 fmic afc2 ebc... has also happened on the lower boost settings. have checked all the vac hoses and connectors.

    anyone experience this before??

  4. i think ive lost some hydraulic fluid outta my clutch cos theres no pedal whatsoeva so i cant get it into any gear. :ban:

    ive noticed a few spots left under the car but no major leakage.

    the clutch has yet to slip so i could say that the clutch itself is ok.

    my question is what fluid n where do i put it??

    so i can drive it to get it sorted properly.

    also can any transmission place sort it (being an import) or best to go to somewhere like hyperdrive, psi etc

    thanks in advance guys.

  5. Hi all, just got myself into an R32 gtst and am after a new set of wheels so im wondering who would be recommended to try around perth?? nor/sor - pref nor

    someone has mentioned 'tek9' (i think) who are sor but i cant find any contact details.

    ive been to the local ttf but the wheels there just aint worth it. and as ive read on here already not many places do 17x8's or upto x9's (if they'd fit) unless i go for 18"

    im after some "race look" style wheels but dont want to spend up on buddy club p1's .....yet

    also if anyone can link me up to some specific pics of 32's with 17's and some with 18's i'd appreciate it as im yet to see/decided on what size i feel would suit what i wanna do. 18's might look too big for the look i want.

    this is also an official G'gay to you all as well, as im a Noob to these forums and the whole skyline thing and will be prolly chasing down alot of info around here over the next few months..

    p.s. sorry for another wheel related thread :P

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