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Everything posted by alr33x

  1. actually labor are worse and managing the budget some good info here, doesn't say liberal are perfect by any means but as a direct comparison labor run larger deficits and smaller surpluses. http://cuffelinks.com.au/budget-time-labor-v-liberal-fiscal-discipline/
  2. of course, however the greens themselves are extremists with some truly absurd policies.
  3. you don't actually think its a myth do you? like seriously its documented concrete evidence factual information that labor are hopeless with the budget.
  4. given the resounding failure of the PUP party i think people may be more likely to shy away from independents.. greens will always be there cos ya know people like ham are allowed to vote..
  5. don't think many blokes would turn down mel for a drink lets face it. Not to hark back to the 50's but if they want her to be taken more seriously perhaps those fancy dresses she wears on the sideline should be substituted with a more professional image
  6. fark how boring is wasteland these days
  7. all you needed was your beverage in a jar to be certified hipster.
  8. gotta say im glad i dont have to rely on pay reviews / promotions to get more money.
  9. no doubt like the "sold out" 86s plenty of people wont follow through with the orders and they'll pop up, have to be an absolute fool to pay such a premium on a certain to depreciate thing.
  10. lol @ dream boats trying to sell mustangs for $30k ~ profit
  11. yeah its a lot of money per week that's for sure
  12. yeh depends how you use it i guess a mate of mine not on a black but charges literally everything to his credit card for points pays it off every month so no issues there but gets free flights and lots of perks but between him and his wife i'd say they'd be well into $400k + territory
  13. have you spoken to the agent at all yet? if not i can call him first and try get you some info minus the bs.
  14. well an amex specifically you do.. min charge $250k per annum on it and invite only to have one.. i'd imagine they hand invites out with cmfeu membership packs.
  15. if you havent get a copy of the section 32 / contract of sale and get it checked by a conveyancer / lawyer other than that sort the bank and go from there. if you want real estate help pm me and ill send you my number best chance to get me is text i only check in here occassionally
  16. sure they'll need loans but i wouldn't think id need to tel you that banks are majorly overstaffed.. as per the last slow down jobs got slashed big time in banking don't think it wouldnt happen again oh there you go already cutting back http://www.smh.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/big-banks-cut-1475-jobs-to-maintain-profits-20151109-gku69i.html
  17. Not to mention a housing crash would literally fark up every single one of ya'll... even you hamleftburger banks would offload staff like no tomorrow. jus sayin. real estates 3 D's divorce debt death best bit is comm's go up in tough markets!
  18. not sure if serious. they had a go Abbott for wearing speedos.
  19. yeah cain - kirner did a stellar job. "when Kennett and his new Treasurer, Alan Stockdale discovered that the outgoing government had left them with $2.2 billion budget deficit, a net public sector debt of $33 billion and budget sector debt of $16 billion" labor for ya.
  20. yeah damn kennet for saving Victoria from being bankrupt.. thanks to who..... ham?
  21. ah yes.. preach to me the benefits of labor governments please http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/both-andrews-government-and-former-napthine-government-savaged-in-probe-into-failed-east-west-link/news-story/638ec5dd75211cc1a65f0a8e2fd2862c
  22. Possibly the most pointless post ever. I guess when you run out of intelligent thinks to post you default to drivel?
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