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Posts posted by XXX-33

  1. Hey guys just wondering, ive never had any problems with cops at all with both my old 33gts and my current 32gtr.. Is it coz im just lucky or is it coz cops in the CBD area have better things to do than pull cars over and create a traffic jam? Cops dont even give me a 2nd glance. Thats why i found it a bit strange that everyone is usually saying how their modified cars always get canaries and get harassed by the popo. Anyone else who stays in the CBD realise this?

    I always drive my car in the CBD, the cops do look at my car but after seeing that i got a stock exaust on they dont even bother but more admire the car.

    Ive been pulled over only 2 times since owning my car which i have had now for a year and a half, half the cops always ask me what i have done to the car and admire it, while the other half are picking things on it to defect, in all that they have always let me go and just advise me what i need to do to make it road worthy so i dont have any problems later on.

  2. when standing facing the car, turn it a 1/4 turn clockwise I think...dont quote me coz I can never remember until i'm actually doing it, but it will only go 1 way, just dont try to force it in case you're turning it the wrong way, if it doesn't move, then go the other way :/

    thanks alot dezz, parker is fixed, i owe you a beer if the oppurtunity ever arise's, thanks heaps champ.

  3. What do you mean you can't find it? those arrows are pointing right at it....

    that black plug, plugs into the white plug, and the white plug twists out and holds the globe....

    LoL, i tried to twist the bastard out but was cautious because i thought it was going to break, is there are certain way i need to twist like clockwise or somthing?

    thanks for the advice dezz :happy:.

  4. mate what are u on about? you come what happened to france and this? Its like comparing a R34GTR Ztune to a Toyota Celica with a flat tyre. A few people in a country of what..20,735,146 (yes thats the latest) get drunk and cause trouble and the country is in turmoil?

    do u see whats going on around the world? perspective please.

    This issue will be gone in 2 days. No1 cares about a few drunk people hooning about smashing a few windows and acting like idiots - have u been to the UK or even europe after a big football match? in reality is not the biggest issue facing the state/country/world today.

    of course my comparisment will not be the same, there can never be an identical incident, i was just giving you an example, the occurences in this country seem to be going from bad to worse.

    the issue will be gone in 2 days maybe but do you think it will be the last of its kind?

    i wasn't saying the country is in turmoil, all i was saying is what can we expect around the corner.

  5. apparently the police organised fire trucks to come down so they can disperse the mob with a water cannon.

    Australia's future as a country is not looking too bright in the foreseeable future, reminds me of what France went through last year, however not as extreme but you never know, it could one day happen here in Australia. At least in France they rioted for a whorthwile cause (lower class people's futures/jobs).

  6. lol. he might have said that so you could tell him about your illegal mods. Then bust your ass.

    haha nah mate, i told him a few thing's done to it, he was happy to know about it, you could see that he was a rev head.

  7. i went to pick up my brother and a few mates from chapel one night. While waiting for them at chapel st a police officer drives past and stops infront of my car and asked "who's car is it", everyone around me scatter's the wrx 10 metres away take's off, i told him it was mine, he replies "nice colour" and starts asking me question's about it, "what i have done to it" this that, one of the coolest cops i have ever met.

  8. i seen this every day

    on the way to work

    my life is dangerous yo!

    i have a 4" canon

    boost guage on the dash

    i drift n slide n my stylez go up

    if u see da police u best be runn'n coz ya'll 8'n good enuff y0

    yea, it was somthing like that, they are promiting the show as "surfing on the road and 360 burnouts" also saw a clip with 50 lebos firing up @ 10 cops.

  9. Could possibly be targeting loud exhaust cars because they can be confiscated under the new hoon laws just for being too loud. Not involved in any traffic offences just driving to work or home slowly. I personally thought WTF when i read this but it is very hard to confiscate a car under these laws anyway reading though our (police) instructions on it. TMU wouldn't really take many cars as you need to Brief offenders and take them to court no penalty notices so too much work in general for them unless on a specified blitz or the driver makes an arse out of himself. Just thought you guys might be interested to know.

    i heard this too, that if you have a loud exaust or if they hear you dose they cant impound your car.

  10. Seeing cops pull over a couple of people in imports and then coming on here warning people of the "blitz" is not really a reason.

    Read your title of this thread and then read what you wrote and if u still wonder why no one cares or why people doubt the accuracy of your information... eat your own head.

    i dont care if nobody cares, take the information which ever way you like.

  11. not that i doubt anyone with a total of 17 posts.. but how did u come across this information to come to this conclusion?

    run in with the law so they must be pulling everyone over?

    u work in the police force? (although i doubt that anyone in the police force would refer to them as T.O.G.S as im sure they replaced them with T.M.U)

    or just a "heard it through the grapevine"?

    buddy, im just giving a heads up, im not posting this for no reason.

  12. They are???

    Ive had my R33 in Hoppers for 14 months so far and only been pulled over once and nothing happened, was just a "random check"

    Can i ask how u know this XXX-33???

    seen them busting people on old Geelong rd and today while going to get my exaust fitted on my car an exaust centre on Old geelong rd confirmed it by telling me that they have been driving up and down and around hoppers werribee area hunting people with modded cars.

    i put this up to give people in this area a heads up.

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