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Posts posted by emts

  1. to show a big change to "hopefully" impact share price in a positive way.


    or you can do it they way my old company did and just pick a few low hanging fruit and then realize 3 months later that they lost a whole bunch of skill sets.


    eg for one product they decided to merge it with another, so started by removing the entire dev team for that product.

    when to product team 2 and they said no we cannot add that to our project due to good reasons x, y and z.


    SO then hire new devs to maintain first product and they take 6 months to get their head around code.


    rinse and repeat. multiple times.



    or get ceo 1 who goes we need to merge everything, so support can support all products not just the ones they trained in, 18 months later new ceo, no we need to container all products and have specialists, 18 months later new CEO  and guess what!!!


    but each needed to come in hot and have a new strategy to hopefully boost shareholder confidence...none ever did..




  2. 58 minutes ago, ausdrift said:

    Are food and drinks available to buy on the day?

    yes broadford will have the cafe open.

    51 minutes ago, ausdrift said:
    On 2/17/2018 at 3:23 PM, ssxRicho said:
    This relates to re-servicing of the unit.
    If the date stamped on the unit is within 3 years, you are fine.

    So an extinguisher must be 3 years old or newer unless its been serviced? I thought it was longer...

     they changed it a couple years back from 5 years.

    and naturally newest I could find the other day was about 6 months old from the shop, so yeah only 2.5 years  for this one.


  3. I think with all the commodore drivers stealing the X5 rims to put on theirs...


    then it only fair that you put gold 21 inch Simmons on this...

    or at least on the front and put some steelies on the back..

    • Like 1
  4. well you could add security and add preformance at same time...


    set up a set of these suckers to the alarm and a bottle of NOS.

    tasty BBQ when come back to the car plus a bit extra off the lights when needed.


    Win Win


    Image result for BMW flame throwers



  5. the thing is they are just so easy to steal, 

    newer ones actually take some skill

    whats with the work car park, cameras? open air?  

    was it jsut drive past and go oh that's an easy one, or targeted


    no idea how I was so lucky for so long had mustang parked on street in Brunswick for 3-4 years when I first got it (still remember going to see Gone in 60 seconds at crown with it parked in the multi story below going..hmm is it still going to be there)  S14 was on street all it's daily life alternating between work in south melb and home in newport..


    guess eastern suburbs are just dodgier.

  6. well...


    some-one has agreed to buy a bunch of shares at 2 cents when they are trading at 2.8 cents if the people running the business don't want to purchase them..

    so think to yourself why people running the business would not want to buy shares in their own company at 30% under market value.



  7. don;t you just get told not come back and paid out?

    Any-one with customer account info here doesn't make it back to their desk to work after a resignation letter.


    safer that way.


    no idea what our current non compete contracts are.

    I've legacyed in from years back with a support role.

  8. work for said company.

    Options are a promise of a share at a set price given to staff to aid loyalty

    These will usually be available to you over a period of time at a set price.

    so you only profit if you stay with the company and the company goes up in value.


    Eg as part of our annual review at previous company we were eligible to options.


    we might be given 1000 options that vest over a 4 year period, so we had access to 250 per year. (some might be a single issue at a set date others might be over 10 years depends on time and offer.

    say the issue price was 30 dollars.

    in 12 months we could access 250 options at 30$

    if the share price was 40$ now this was a great thing. I got 2500$

    if the share price tanked and was at 20$ it was not worth excising the options and if they get to the expiry date prior to getting back over 30$ then they were worthless to us.


    we had people who were issued options at the top of the dot com boom at 200$ plus.


    1 year later the share price was 8$  lets just say they were never exercised.




    • Like 1
  9. well depending on how bad the company goes TU


    usually there assets to sell off and split up

    Board members to sue, 

    last one I had invested in that went bad we ended up with 80% of money back after they sold it off. (with dividends over the period  holding higher than that 20% so all in all not too bad) so long as a company is smart enough not to trade when insolvent. 

    as for crypto IP...I'm not seeing any of these companies hiding the patents for what they are doing, so nah.


    bringing out a new Cipher which would be the only IP they could hold is a very dangerous thing and needs years of peer review.
    basiclly they are using existing Ciphers with the blockchain technology


    then use a peer to peer network to outsource it and hope it lasts forever (with minimal outlay for themselves)...well untill people get bored with it anyhow.


    and people have never got bored with a new technology and moved on to something else.








    • Like 1
  10. Crypto is nothing like shares.

    Shares have a company actions behind it that impact the share. they also have assets and IP that have a net worth if all else goes wrong.

    Cash has a countries actions and industries to  impact it. as well as a reserve of usually gold to back it.   


    Crypto is exactly the same as going to the casino.  you are betting on something that at the end of the day has a random output, sure if you count cards or are decent then you can spot a trend and have a better chance of making a profit.


    but at the end of the day, there is nothing backing it up, one good mathematician and it's completely gone. remember it's just as fragile as the shit that secures the rest of the internet.



    but shit what would I know about cryptography...

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