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dane spec33

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Posts posted by dane spec33

  1. im currently very big for my age

    got a blood test, im all good touch wood.

    i went on a diet.

    very simple. 2 weet bix in the morning with fruit. a salad sandwich for lunch and a grilled steack and some veg for dinner. no soft drink.

    30 min daily jogs. i lost 6-8 kg a fortnight :happy:

    i let myself go over the holidays so im starting again..

    meh, i didnt need no supps

    I think everybody should get a blood test atleast once a year, even if they think they are healthy. There are still people telling me that eating a dozen eggs a day will raise cholesterol markers, 2 years worth of blood tests have proven them wrong :-)

  2. Did anyone catch the X games this year? Specifically the Rally cross. where they had the dirt stadium course then went outside through a street course, with that huge jump in the middle. Im pretty sure this guy competed. There were some cool hits and misses over the jump.

  3. When he goes sideways around the house, i was thinking what if he got grip halfway through the drift, lol, amazing control, Must have a split controller to affect the drive through the 4 wheels,

    If you cant hear it, then your missin out, in sounds awesome

  4. That would be the next upgrade i would choose. There are aftermarket systems that aren't that loud depending on mufflers used. Im sure there are people on here that have nice sounding exhausts without being overly loud.

    Not me though.. :D

  5. Very risky however...i used to work for an express air freight company..The amount of stuff that customs seized at buyers loss is unbelievable.Basically the buyer pays the freight cost here, When its rejected by AU customs they have the option of having it destroyed or paying freight ( again ) to return to sender.Who dont really want product back anyway. Mostly protein powders believe it or not.. Apparently their is some enzyme in them which is legal in the US but illegal here.. I am sure their are some that will comply.. But the sight of an industrial dump bin filled with Protein powders used to bring a tear to my eye.

    Yeah ur right, protein powder not worth it anyway, i buy kg's at a time so postage sucks. The other supps that ur not sure will get in, send an email to customs with the ingredient list and say that ur not sure whether it is allowed to come in, or go to a sports supplement store and ask if they can get it in. IF they cant then the supp will get seized.

    Iv been gettiing stuff from america for over a year and half, and in that time iv saved thousands of dollars. My last shipment with about 6 supps including shipping, saved me over $300, if i had to get the stuff here.

    Never had anything seized.

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