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Everything posted by benny_blanco

  1. I know atleast 2 On the topic good luck and I hope you get them
  2. what sort of cars and shizz are adelaide pro rides
  3. wasnt this around 75-85,000 a few years back somewhere else nice car though
  4. chuck as a PM havnt driven my car in awhile
  5. still havnt got any email or anything back
  6. My Old man is even heading down to this just to check out the KGC10 and see what I have been working my arse off over lately
  7. Found this Stanza R32 Conversion on a thread someone posted on JAPANESE NOSTALGIC CAR... I must give credit to who-ever did th conversion though, even if it is abit whack
  8. Thats true, my mates is soooooooooooo slow off the line, With my mates XR even if im doing shit gear change Im allways a good car length ahead from Launch, soon as I hit 80 then its a different story :laughing-smiley-014:
  9. Is there some kind of Internet watchdog you can report the domain to?
  10. thanks Pete ... and yes group love to the skyline
  11. Looks really nice Reuben, nice work! hopefully there is a cruise soon, I love Stags.
  12. cool thanks Steve will see how it goes tomorrow, if it doesnt go so well I will get those details.
  13. Yeh I was going down the station after work tomorrow, hopefully the cop gets a kick up his arse for abusing power but I doubt it seeing they are their own system By the way your brakes look great. I bet you're dieing to take it out When you get your licencse back, give me a buzz so you can take me for a ride in it
  14. Need some advice people; last night on my way home I was pulled over for a "random breath test", after I passed the breath test the cop starts looking over my car with a torch, then the other cop gets out the cop car and does the same. This goes on for about 5 minutes after finding nothing the cop goes "we believe you were speeding I'm going to have to give you a fine.. at one point we THINK you reached 85, but most of the time it was 75 so we will do you for that" So I told them how I wasnt speeding there must be a mistake I was checking my speedo the whole way, so I asked them where i was supposedly speeding. He just replies "further down the hill" When I asked where specificly he ignoored my question and goes "I have nothing to gain from this, im going to have to write you a fine you can stay in your car" I know 100% I was not speeding on my way home and they just pulled that out their arses because they couldnt do me for anything. Whats the best way to handle this? I know I am 100% in the right and I cant justify taking time off work and then paying a court fee to fight because some cop has to use me to fill his quota.
  15. For some reason this reminds me of an old 69 Camaro Convertable... only miniturised even though the two cars look hardly alike
  16. im not racist, most of my friends arent even white or australian ................... its just there was some nigerian oil scammer post the other day (look in the wasteland), i was making a joke off that. but it does look suss to me, all cover up and not fitted, If it was me selling it, I wouldn't have to car covered up with the r34 bumper not fiited laying on the floor.... just my 2 cents.
  17. Maybe Nigerian going by his bogus "R34 Front" which mysterisouly isnt fitted and covered up
  18. Its tempting Shane, we allready have 6 cars and my dad might be getting another car soon, so there is no room left, hence why im waiting until I get a house at the end of the year... Unless someone offered me crazy money for the Dr30 I would sell it to make way, but I would miss it I'm Inspired by this defect machine has an RB26 in it, some monster wide wheels and super flared guards. unfortunatly I dont know what lights they use for these "Yankee" styled KGC10's as I want some when I build one!
  19. not working for me either *edit* had a looksie and I found it, what a tool... nothing suss here Must be related to Roger Cordia hahaha
  20. Thats a great shot, I used to have that as my desktop Only thing It would be much doper if the Z was like the one in Wangan Midnight
  21. f**k YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! what colour? Dam this year needs to go faster, I have budgeted for a fat house deposit and KGC10 in Nov/Dec Cos I also believe they are better then all other skylines, except for 32 GT-R's and DR30 RS-X's they sit even with the KGC10 in my book. Please dont tempt me to go out and get one imported right after the show
  22. gold!... well aslong as crimmals are getting dumber I dont mind good to hear the car isnt stolen
  23. White looks nice, I personally have a thing for the Titanium gray
  24. Hey does anyone know a good place to get Sandblasting done, preferably in the NE region also around how much to expect to be forking out.... I want to get my Rocker cover and Manifold done so I can spray them to match my rims
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