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Dani Boi

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Posts posted by Dani Boi

  1. Tom don't increase volume, the program is for strength.

    My piece of advice though is make sure you do some sort of bicep exercise, I started adding chins later into the program but my arms still looked out of proportion to my torso so I would recommend curls 2x a week and if you have shit calf genetics like me do calf raises too.

  2. Eat15-20% less than maintenance calories

    Consume 1-1.5g per lb of bodyweight in protein, absolute minimum 0.3g healthy fats per lb and fill the rest up wirth carbs.

    Count calories

    Lift heavy, dont change routine

    Do cardio if you need to burn more calories, you dont need to do cardio to cut.

    Eat healthy but dont be afraid to eat junk every now and then, moderation

    Eat your greens.

  3. We never said it's wrong, just could be optimized if he wanted to. Just suggestions in response to his post about being unsure about it.

    How many carbs are you consuming during your cut? my reasoning about optimizing it was so life can be bearable! Cranky is no fun at all?

    How much does your workout change on your cut? and why? I'm not picking either, I'm just interested cause you lift big usually.

  4. I think we're missing the point that I haven't actually AIMED for this amount, I am not excessively supplementing to achieve this amount (have been having ~1-2 scoops of WPI or casein each day max), and I'm getting this figure based on a free calorie counting application with god knows what accuracy.

    My breakfasts have consisted of a 1 cup of egg whites and a few short cut bacon rashers, small bowl oats w/ skim milk. 2nd meal of the day has been 1.5 cups chicken breast mince w/ brown rice. 3rd meal is 1.5 cups chicken breast mince w/ steamed broccoli/cauliflower/carrot. Dinner is 500g steak with a buttload of salad. Desert/after dinner has either been that retarded casein/yoghurt thing or a single scoop of WPI/casein with water before bed.

    There will occasionally yet rarely be a WPI shake during the day, occasionally I will snack on some walnuts, otherwise the only thing on top of the above are 2 or maybe 3 coffees with skim milk and no sugar.

    That's it.

    Apparently 500g of rump steak has like 110g protein according to the app, for example. I've had this for dinner 4 times over the past 6 days.

    Tell me if the app is giving me a ludicrous figure from this info. Either way, it "works" for me so I fail to see the problem here, even if it is WAY too much.

    No worries brah, wasn't having a go :D Out of curiosity how much money are you spending a week on all that?

    Sounds about right for 500g piece uncooked, I think there are a lot of people on bb.com that use that app, should be alright. We're not trying to say it won't work either but it's just unnecessary and probably costing you quite a bit, but that's up to you I guess.

  5. 400g of protein are you sure? That only leaves 1600 cals for fats and carbs. They say 1-2g fats per kg so assuming you're getting the minimum fats that only leaves you with about 180g carbs a day.

    If it were me I would recommend dropping that protein intake by half and upping carbs/fats, but hey that's just my advice... you can do whatever the F*** you wanna do.

  6. I make sure I eat taters a couple times a week in my deficit. Love baked potato and wedges.

    If I can't fit the ~ 1kg (carb equiv)I need PWO I smash cereal for carbs. It's like icecream, goes into a different stomach when you think you're full! The Fibre keeps you regular too.

    Get on the coke zero!

    Why are you in a deficit, aren't you 71kg 6ft+?

  7. After eating everything I could lay my hands on for the last few weeks prepping for powerlifting I'm now on a diet... it sucks and I'm hungry all the time... seriously I'd rather go to the gym and do a murderous session of barbell complexes, high rep squats and kettlebell circuits than diet... I'm so fckin grumpy

    some chicken, avocado, tomato, lettuce for lunch... lame... last week I was smashing lasagne, steaks, burgers... I was so happy *tear*

    See I'm exactly the opposite I've dropped from 3500 calories a day to 2500 atm and i prefer eating 2500 calories, so much more convenient. Just east 3 big meals and snack on foods to make up the macros and never hungry , when I was bulking I had to divide that shit up into like 5 meals to be able to eat it all.

  8. Bro you need ta eet 80g of simple carbz to spike ur insulin otherwise ur musselz won't grow and u wil go catabolic strait away m8. U've just lost all ur gainz now bro. I hope u took bcaa priar to ur workout 2 becuz apparently all that protein u ate b4 during da day somehow just disappears when u start working out so you go catabolic.

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