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Everything posted by PREISS

  1. wtf. this has got to be one of the most filthy disgusting tunes. I f'n love it. played it 23 times loud. Cant wait to mix it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRP9vDFZrj8...feature=related
  2. first and second. cant believe it. Usually cant pick the winner, both is just insane
  3. Yeah true. There are some smart stunners. they are usually taken tho. I guess a lot are like you say because a lot of guys don't talk to them properly. Never know what to say. They are accustomed to dribble coming from the dudes mouth and no conversations. 'yeah , yeah . yeah. yeah. lets hook up. stare stare ' that sorta thing.
  4. yeah true. I spose I would too. was hanging out with her friend madsy pads whos in her top friends list at the casino. Same school Nice enough. not the brightest.
  5. I know her. well her friend. She is just a tiny bit in love with herself.
  6. Dont really have any pics of the car. Heres a half decent one. cant really see the dish on the back wheels tho
  7. Yeah they are still worth abit of cash. Know anyone that might be interested? Will sell it at a real nice price.
  8. had the DJM400 mixer. plus 700. two CDJs100s and a CDJ400 on the desk. I liked looking at the setup more than playing it haha. yeah real nice features. Some I didnt wanna play around with too much at the risk of being too messy. Might be selling the DJM400 soon. great mixer. good features but really wanna save for a 800
  9. Hey mate. Was a very big night. music didnt stop till my sister got alittle pissed of around 4am. Really good night. Few quiet ones from now on I think. First night using a DJM700. what a mixer mate. Real nice. and a CDJ400.
  10. Sound pretty pro. The video looks pretty pro too gd work
  11. Im drunk. Im also intoxicated. im drunk
  12. Thats a screen shot of a dnb tune Ive been mucking around with. Gotta say dnb is very hard to make. so fast and so many sounds to make it sound complete
  13. Yeah mate had a listen. Liked it too. was nice and techy in parts. which I love. real deep too. nice work Dohmar. yeah mate. If your keen to hear some music come round. Sat night. Should be a good night. By then end it will be messy with mixing all over the shop, but that's half the fun.
  14. cheers mate. Yeah the neighbors will be fine. Collinswood have really big blocks. One side is empty. Been mixing alot of other people house tracks. havent really got into mixing my own. Wanna fine tune them all before mixing I reckon. Gonna be fun producing with the new comptuter. Real fast. should be good for layering and mulitple sounds. Before it would almost freeze if I added a massive chord or technical sound.
  15. new tune Ive been working on. Getting there. Going all out this sat too Luke. Smoke machine. laser. strobe. Should be interesting/good
  16. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=...7145&ref=nf I laughed
  17. Having a halloween mixup sat night Luke. check your FB. should be a good one
  18. +1 I have some scratches and crap on my lights. I had to take my eyelids of for regency. Wasnt pretty afterward. I would keep the lids on Damo. Depending what you used to put them on
  19. For what its worth. Prolly nothing. I think your abit of a smart ass too Dave. Some of your material aint funny at all. and your internet language does not 'win'; etc etc etc. You seem to get away with it. So o well,. keep going I guess.
  20. wtf. never read such crap. No wonder cars aren't really importand to me anymore. Get some friends and go out. Less stress.
  21. I just sold a black set for $200.
  22. black 34 4door with black wheels. this arvo parked near IT warehouse. Also 32gtr with ding in the drivers side door. white wheels
  23. Too easy mate. Thought you would get a few skids out of em atleast
  24. I beg on my knees in forgiveness Rad32
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