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Everything posted by Hibino

  1. Yes, everyone who has big dinnerplate chromies is a riceboy autofag. EVERYONE. 20's with dish on a Celsior etc is different. VIP and Rice are two completely different things. Autosalon is made for poser drug dealers. Not balls to the wall performance cars. rwhp is not the only side of performance. I think you'd find a non turbo S13 with suspension mods, pod filter etc will still go hard out. And yes, I own both an NA S13 and a turbo R32. Get the R34 GTR rims if you can.
  2. nah man chromies don't. They are autosalon gheyness. It's a skyline not a mirage. Those wheels are hindering it from doing what it was designed to do.
  3. Got a K Style car shop twin plate in my silvia and it's a pain in the ass... Mainly because when we did the auto to manual conversion we started running out of time so didn't get to do a full bleed of the clutch and never got round to finishing it so to get it in gear you have to push it down a fair way... but it won't start to engage again unless it's really close to the top So instead of the engage/disengage point being at the same pedal position if you're doing a hillstart for example you push the clutch pretty far in then hold the revs up and slowly let it out until you can find the magical pickup point which usually ends up in either wheelspin or stalling or huge clutch riding
  4. /vomit Come on this is sau.com not autosalon.com Take them off and get some 18's with dish
  5. haha ^^^ Yeah I used to play ages ago like 05 early 06. Had a 60 rogue. Quit for a few months then started playing again. Got a lock to 70. Quit again for a few months. Now I'm playing again. Got my shadow priest to 62 on Thaurissan then realised shadow priests got pwned in group pvp haha (not talking about arena). They're good fun pve but yeah the whole 'every spell is on a huge cooldown' thing really annoyed me so retired that and leveling up another rogue. BTW hunters are op
  6. Am having this exact problem. Only recently bought the car so I don't know it's history but I'm guessing its stocko steering wheel (definately a nissan wheel) and 99% sure it's straight but will check tomorrow. Will fitting a hicas lock bar (which I will be doing anyway) fix the steering going heavy? Or will I have to remove the whole hicas system? Thanks a lot
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