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Lambodoorkits Ltd

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Posts posted by Lambodoorkits Ltd

  1. Any timeframe on when the whole interior for R32 Gts-t will be ready? Im not very patient lol

    Hoping within the next couple of months, depends on interest really. Only had 15 views on ebay for the R33 GTST/GTR gear surrounds which is pretty poor.

  2. If you do the whole interior and sits flush like the stock parts then im in for sure.

    They are a direct copy of the original, as we send off the parts to the factory and take a mould from it. The gear surround as you see above is made from a fiberglass shell and then covered with genuine grade A carbon fibre. Then fade resistant laquer applied.

  3. By the way chaps, we will be having some bespoke Carbon fibre parts made soon if your interested. Starting with the gear surround for the R33 GTST. These are made out of real carbon fibre grade a not usually rubbish.

  4. i might organize a group buy from terry if he offers a good price or another vendor that I have got in touch with "depending on the quality of his kits and price".

    i personlay think they doors that go up and out even if just a lil are much nicer than just up.

    We can go down to £400 plus £40 delivery for a group buy. They are available for R32, R33, R34 GTR and GTST all models.

    £385 + £40 delivery for 10 or more kits.

  5. How far will they open out before going up and whats the cost sent to Adelaide

    Il sign up to the site another nite and look at the pics :(

    They open out to 21 inches from the B-pillar to the bottom left corner of the door panel.

    Cost of the Lambo doors to Adelaide is £450 + £40 delivery. 7-10 days delivery time.

  6. Hi Guys it`s Terry the owner of lambodoorkits Ltd. Just thought I`d pop in and dispell some myths about the lambo doors. I have them fitted to our company show car R33 GTST Skyline. We use this car everyday, so know what it is like living with them. We searched long and hard to find an affordable kit, which was strong and easy to fit, as well as easy to live with. We found many kits that were inferior and had no bearings fitted to them and the shocks were very weak. The kit we settled for, as you see on the web site is the one we have now. The kit is a direct bolt on fitment and is made in Taiwan, not China where all the poor quality kits come from. To fit the kit, the door needs to be taped shut and a piece of carboard used under the door to keep the gap at the bottom. The wings then need removing and the old hinges removing. The new hinges just bolt straight on in the original holes. At this point you can release the tape off the door. The door then needs operating a few times and adjust with the allen key screws until your happy with the door shutting like factory. The inside of the wing needs a small half moon shape cutting out to allow for the extra width of the hinge. This operation has to be done with any Hinge on the market. That`s it, fit the wing and it`s done. The kit will need adjusting eventually, ours has been twice in 3 years. Not bad I think. The shocks are still original after 3 years although starting to get weak now. These can be easily replaced wih our 650lb upgrade. The doors when up in the air do wobble in high wind, but this is the same with LSD kits. This is inevitable with a large piece of metal in the air anchored to the thin piece of metal which is the door panel. We just don`t open them in high wind and you can get out normally anyway without lifting them up. This should also help if you get stoped by the local fun police, by getting out the car normally. I know and anyone with common sense knows that this type of modification is a love it or hate it Modification and we should respect their views on this. personally I love it. The looks we get at shows and during normal out and about shopping etc is great. They aren`t looks of disgust either, they are looks of Awe! Not very often you see Skylines with lambo doors.

    Think I have gone on enough, feel free to ask questions.

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