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Everything posted by fullyhyperlite

  1. Haha well i live south, as in Reynella south....and then a couple of people coming live Seaford, so thats even further. But i guess West Beach isn't tooo North. Bout a half hour drive from my house hehe. But still, you Northies should come live here
  2. Well the furthest North (from where i live anyways ) im thinking of going, is along the coast, not too far after West Beach - which would be the first photo stop, as such. So i guess when i decide on that exact spot, you "northies" could meet us "southies" there haha. And then head to, I'm thinking maybe Stirling. I went down there today (or rather UP there lol), and depending on how many cars im gonna have out, i got a couple of places with good backdrops that would look nice to park them BUT that depends, cos if i get too many cars to fit in the spots we can't stop there and i'll have to find another hills spot Annnd thennn go back down through the hills, past Blackwood, past Clarendon, towards Seaford way where I have a few good coast spots again. But no crazy business in the hills haha. I joke So yeah. Thats how the cruise is going to rough up to haha. What do ya guys reckon? Cheers.
  3. Ahhhh nice I do believe i saw you pull into villi's on friday night with the kit on but not sprayed? Possibly that was you. If not...never mind this post haha. But i had to leave roundabout then. Otherwise wouldve stayed for a chat and asked if i could take some photos of ya car at some point
  4. Ahhh thats good then. Well sounds like it might be good turnout then Hopefully haha. Details will be posted sooooon
  5. Yeah for sure! Thats fine. I'm happy to take pics for anyone who wants them haha. Just also - a quick question....where do most people live who want to come? Like would those who live North of the city be willing to come South of the city for this? or what? Just wondering where abouts people live tis all But then again i guess where ever i plan it, if people want to come they will.
  6. Ladies don't have nuts Well.....not THOSE sorts of nuts anyways
  7. Yeah no joke! How ridiculously cold is this weather? It sucks
  8. +1 Thats a real nice looking t-shirt design. But im keen for my hoodie
  9. I can quite clearly see the front bar, all that there is, is a couple of bright flares as a result of the sun reflection. Also i looked back through my originals and the sky IS white. SO obviously no matter what i did changing the levels or curves, the sky would have been white nonetheless. Look. I've only started out in photography and i have no filters - heck the camera i use isn't even my own. These photos are just for an assignment - nothing to professional thats for sure. But thanks anyway?
  10. Yewww! Cheers for that SLED! Haha i know! Could've got a maaaaadd feed! Oh welll. Next time. Which will be when we pick them up?
  11. Haha no worries - thanks for the tips though. Criticism is good - helps you get somewhere
  12. Hey there, hopefully my money got passed on. I gave $56 to SLED so if it wasnt passed on im hunting you down SLED hehehe i just wanted to use that emoticon Yayyyy hoodies!!! Btw lost my hockey match devvvvvvs.
  13. Thanks Um i'll have a look through my photos for ya for an original of the 300ZX - but if i havent, im possibly organising another photoshoot with him in the next week or so so i can show you some original photos then
  14. Haha yeah well my (FREE ) nissansilvia.com one is black so i thought i would go something different i wear the nissansilvia.com one all the time...won it at the Megacruise haha...was sposed to win a drift pineapple?? And when i told them i had a ford laser they gave me a hoodie instead hehehe. Is it too late to just chuck the money in Adrian's bank account? Or would he rather cash in hand tonight? Cheers
  15. Haha so true that But seriously...how fun would that of been to watch haha.
  16. Hey there, sorry about the last minute order. Forgot to put it in earlier hoodie/jacket: jacket username/real name: fullyhyper name in caps or not: same as above colour: red size: S how many: 1 = $56.00 Will transfer money now. PM me if thats ok - because the money might not go through until after the weekend - otherwise i can try and get to Villi's tonight to give cash in hand? Let me know ASAP. Cheers.
  17. Its DEFINATELY the 17th - Guranteed there will be no more changes. Sorry about the confusion here guys.
  18. As requested here are some more : (rhys5169's R32)
  19. Good timing there haha. Due to my lack of free time to plan this thing and just finishing a week of exams, I'm going to have to post-pone it until the 17th of August. Which will also give people more time to give notice to work and such. Also it will be the weekend after Autosalon which means no stress about getting the car dirty beforehand if you happen to be entering There will be a total of possibly 2 or 3 stops where i'll be taking pics, so if you can't make it to one at a certain time, come to another. Sorry about this guys, but definately pen it in for the 17th More details will be posted within the next week. Cheers.
  20. Thanks. Yeah I think i took one that had the whole 300zx but i'd have to go through them which might take a while :| I mainly played around with levels and curves. I try to not change the aspects of my photos too much, to keep them fairly original. But Photoshop always adds that little extra touch Ahhh yeah. Nah i see where you're coming from. The photo was being taken almost straight into the sun, and the rear of the 34 just so happened to be in shadow, but yeah couldn't fix it with the levels so i had to leave it
  21. Heres my july photos: Just two, of over 600 photos I took of cars over Friday and Sunday, this weekend just been Criticism is VERY welcome.
  22. Shhhhhhh you!! lol i have your photos hehehe. When you want them? I'll have time at the end of the week to get em to ya i reckon. Or maybe just wait till the cruise?
  23. Hmmmm im considering getting one...but i dont actually have a skyline haha, i just take photos . but then again i got a free nissansilvia.com hoodie on the megacruise and i wear it non stop and i dont have a silvia hahaha Hmmmm...
  24. Could possibly go as south as Seaford. Thats depending on whether or not people are keen to go from marion, through hills and back to the coast again. But i know a few good coast spots down south. - O'Sullies Beach boat ramp is big and where i took the photos of the 300zx and 34 and that'd be cool to get a few group shots down there. Really up to people and how far they are willing to drive, especially you Northies
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