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Posts posted by Rocky88

  1. since when do you get demerit points for defects?? :D

    So, if any cop ever asks you if you knew something was like that, say "no i have no idea" and save yourself some aggravation and some loot.

    most of the time this wont work either. Most cops will first ask you to tell them what mods you have and if you stay quiet or pretend you dont know anything they will fine you for not cooperating or lying or some shit and give you a criminal record and give you a hefty fine which almost happened to me one time...

    the moment cop ask you to pop the bonnet you're pretty much screwed no matter what... it doesnt matter if you're honest and cooperate or stay quiet and act stupid...

  2. Have you all read page 2 of the Sunday Mail?

    Turns out the kents blew 3rd gear as they took off (I knew the car didn't sound right as they flogged off in it!) and dumped my car 800 metres from where they stole it from me!

    Other than the gearbox, theres some scrapes to the front bar, side skirt and a heap of tread missing off the rear tyres.

    I've identified 2 of them, and one has been caught, and is looking at a minimum 12yrs.

    My car was one of 4 taken by these guys Friday night, and there is still the stolen black R34 sitting worse for wear at the cop shop's impound area...(anyone missing a black 34?)

    My wallet and and house keys were retrieved, but still missing my prescription sunglasses and 2 mobile phones.

    So now thanks to a 800 Metre joyride, I have to pay a $3000+ insurance excess so I can get my gearbox rebuilt, the side skirt and front bar touched up and some new tyres....

    oh yeh, and replace 2 x $1000 PDAs..

    I don't care what colour thier skin is.

    Chop thier f*cking fingers off I say.


    One mega pissed off Import enthusiust

    Now living in fear.

    wow, $3000 excess? sounds bit much... also about PDAs, do you have home contents insurance? most of them also cover stuff you have in your car etc... i also think some car insurances cover stuff thats in car

  3. one of these turned up today!


    its a 5 watt handheld UHF,i bought it from ebay, originally its only ment to operate from 400 - 470 MHZ of course this is of no use to me here, aus CB is from 467ish - 477.400 MHZ so a change here and there internally has now unlocked the radio to be able to work from about 130 MHZ - 520 MHZ.

    Overall the unit is very small for its features and has a nice solid feel to it,has a good backlit screen too,considering the unit only costs $90 incl shipping its a great buy. its made my day so far :ninja:

    have fun listening at truckies swearing...

  4. another rant about adelaide roads... a guy from work was driving his r34gtt last week at night and hit a massive pothole = cracked rim, f*cked steering rack, heaps of other suspension damage... repair bill was sent to local council, but how many times will they have to pay for damages before they f*%$# learn their lesson and fix the f*#@% roads?? couple of weeks ago a bus i was riding got f*cked when it hit a pothole, hit the kerb and nearly ran off the road onto footpath, yes even with those massive wheels youre not safe... jesus f*#%@ christ, who runs this city??? blah... :down:  

    ...and thats what grinds my gears

  5. cheers damo :P

    I also just heard that my mum knows owner of eagle paint & panel, and my dad had his car repaired there after crash... does anyone have experience with them? I know they are good at crash repairs which i can personally see from dad's car, but would anyone recommend them for painting custom paint?

  6. shit man, someone call brian and dom, seems like their kinda scene!

    seriously, do people actually believe this sort of shit happens? c'mon...

    nah, dont think so, that report is so ridicolous i doubt even old grannies are going to believe it... on friday some dick on abc radio read out fast and furious plot and said its happening in adelaide... im surprised they didnt include that too... lame

    officer neil wasnt much help either... as far as i knew from ns.com we were supposed to get a whole seperate report about our side of story.... they made a whole interview with some ns.com members, but didnt get included.

    whichever way you want to look at this news report, its bad for our image

  7. ^^ go there, seriously.

    yellowpages only finds some tiling place. you got phone number?

    i might drive down there if i have time...

    is all type crash still around?

  8. that movie didnt have a plot :)

    nah, thats a better version. its got paul walker and vin diesel drag racing on north terrace lol. no joke, thats what some retarded journalist read out on abc radio this morning.

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