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Posts posted by Rocky88

  1. LOL at some of the suggestions in here about the required criteria or what will constitute the necessity to get your car crushed.

    Pretty soon some bright spark in here will say that if you give the officer lip or look at him cross eyed that it will be enough to get your car crushed.....give me a break!

    And all the little followers will say "yeah mang, +1".

    Even if the law was ever passed in this country (which it won't be for the reasons given earlier) crushing will be an absolute last resort and only to the repeat offenders.....not for squealing a tyre on a white line. :(

    So seriously, don't be drama queens. :)

    i will bookmark this post so january 1st next year I can remind you that you were wrong.... i hope youre not tho

  2. Cars too loud. Crushed.

    Got the sound system up too loud. Crushed.

    Took that corner slightly too hard. Crushed.

    Accelerated off at the lights a bit faster than everyone else there. Crushed.

    Driving around unnecessary through the hills. Crushed

    omg, how many times ive been asked by cops why im driving in hills... wtf, why not? i wasnt breaking any law

  3. technically the defect system is designed to keep unsafe cars off the road, instead it is a useful tool for police to crack down on target groups, one being imports.

    haha +1 stewy, ive been trying to say that all along, just couldnt find the right words

  4. for such drastic measures to be undertaken by government the issue has to be way more widespread. especially if it can affect many innocent people, ie if car's owned by parents or someone else, or since cops have discretion to crush any car they want pretty much any import owner that got pulled over by a cop who has bad day...

    no doubt when those laws come, cops defecting my car will threaten me with crushing it.... even now they are threatening me they're going to take my license just for defecting my car even tho they cant. And since they are going to have discretion to do so all they have to do is make up a little story and then at court it's my word against theirs...

  5. i thought one died... even in the news article last week about guy going to court they said only one died. did the other 2 die very recently in hospital?

    edit: there you go ben: http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0...87-2682,00.html only one died

    either way, there's no proof other 60-something accidents were hooning, innatention and fatigue were always problem... and at the end of the day inexperience, but hooning has nothing to do with this... doens't justify such drastic measures... people are just trying to get people's votes, that's what's happening, nobody gives shit about people dying

  6. hooning is not an issue... hooning is not even a real word. i would maybe consider it an issue if like more than 2 people died from street racing this year, but they didn't. it's just a bullshit media hype used to distract people from all the actual news like rudd giving away money to his mates... and then there's at least several new pedophiles and rapists in news each day... and people dont even care cause they spend whole days whinging about hoons. why is noone trying to fix this issue by some equally weird punisment ie crushing their testicles??

  7. where do r32 have fog light wire? my r32 (i think) didnt have factory fog lights, but it has a switch and fuse so i assume there is also a wire somewhere... im trying to hook up some lights to fog light switch, so do i have to wire it all the way from battery to switch and then through firewall to lights or are wires already there somewhere

  8. They are easy as to install, just a bit of modification to the stock dust covers, i did mine yesterday. I have still yet to see how they go at night driving, but damn 6000k is bright.

    more important question - are 6000k street legal? i wanna buy hid kit too after respray and want brightest bluest kit thats still legal

  9. running from the cops when they are gona crush ur car.. does anyone use this logic..

    - cop signals for u to pull over after doing a skid.

    - u go, 'f**k it' and plant it, cops chases for a km then calls it off.

    - ...

    - cops show up at ur house coz they took down ur rego number.

    - cops take ur car and crush it.

    - u recieve a criminal record.

    am i the only one what sees it that way?

    i know many people that have/had spring loaded number plate mechanisms installed on their cars... one certain south australian drifting legend who shall remain nameless (some of you may know who im talking about) has been in at least 20 police chases and never got caught or tracked down... also at night turning off lights might do a trick too if cops haven't spotted your plates yet, or not driving with plates on at all when doing stupid shit... stupid - yes, but people will do it... the way i see new laws punishment for doing burnouts is almost as harsh as for police chase, so most people wont have much to lose once they are already chased by cops. and as last resort people could still hide car and report it stolen... do you think people wont do it?? some people almost value their cars more than their life, as it has already been said on one interview with self confested hoon in newspaper

  10. im not saying it's right, i just dont see why it wont work over here if it works over there, i honestly dont consider the australian general public, or our polies a lot more smart than them over there.

    i agree with you... what i tried to say is that SA is becoming a police state much like US and no i dont consider our government any smarter than american... so yea, sadly it's probably gonna happen :D

  11. dont take this as a dig, cos its a serious question, why does it work in the US, but wont here?

    US? the same country where they still execute people and can send you to guantanamo bay for no reason... enough said... and frankly that's what SA is becomming in some ways...

    im 99% sure its going ahead... there's a lot of public support and both labor and liberals are for it... it's gonna happen, don't see why it wouldnt

  12. Loosing 20k or possibly loosing your life or someone else's life? I would rather loose the 20k.

    hard to say what you would do when sitting in front of computer, but in real life situation knowing that cops will take and crush your car, with no time to think clearly many people will panic and put the foot down on accelerator, and one you start running you can't stop... most people know that cops have to call off chase after they're 40k's over speed limit, so many people would take that chance even though they would put their and other's lives at even more risk

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