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Everything posted by Nene260RS

  1. I am... i'm cleaning the house and he's sleeping in my dressing gown pocket haha
  2. Hello Everyone! I haven't been on here in a while... Hope everyone has a safe and happy new years eve. OH... i got a new kitten and named him *NISMO* isn't he cute!!!!
  3. Christmas eve with ben's family Christmas lunch with my mum and dad Then christmas night party at my bro's!! New years day ill be spending getting the stags ready for a wedding! yay
  4. i bought ben the new need for speed undercover for christmas... gave it to him last night... i think iv'e just lost my husband for a solid 6 weeks!
  5. Lol you geek!! i waved before you did!! my confused look was probably me when i saw the 5 year old boy (well he looked 5 ) walking down curtis road all by him self!
  6. i can just imagine how many 15 year olds that jacked off to that clip!
  7. your a pushy little so and so aren't you...
  8. agreed... that sucks but wow does it look tuff!! hehe
  9. i put sunscreen on... but i always burn!!!
  10. yeah... We have some... i wanna have a bath in it i'm so sore!
  11. wow... i just keep turning more and more red every hour!!!
  12. Was good to chat to you flick... it's definitely been a while! I'm all crispy even after applying sunscreen a few times ....
  13. I'm working on it Roo!! just wanna be sure of what and where to put it... ben really is against me doing it tho.. Penny... i think yours look gr8! But yeah everyone has their own opinion i guess
  14. I don't like my chances of getting ben there... and i doubt he'd let me go without him due to my previous Schutzenfest antics lol!
  15. That sucks mitch, a mate of mines mum died of cancer Friday night. She was a beautiful person. I don't know why all the good people have to die young... and all the rapists and murderers and thieves live long happy lives!!!
  16. oh i totally agree guys its bull shit. Just thought i'd share a point he made in his email.
  17. I know for a fact that the port Adelaide police read the threads guys.
  18. Ben says cop??......... what cop??!! lol and he said sorry he didn't see you , he was in his own little world.
  19. Just for everyone's information the email to Neil was sent last Monday, I received a reply ten minutes later saying it will be passed onto management. No further response yet...
  20. We will probably head up there tomorrow night aswell
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