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Posts posted by JEDJET

  1. hey guys,

    looking at upgrading my injectors, found a guy that has injectors out of a stagea.

    I went and looked at factory injectors and compared to that of a stagea, only difference I could see is towards the business end the stagea injectors it is wider....that said the rail looks like it cou ld accommodate for this.

    anyone know if it will work or know if they are the same?



  2. hey all!

    i know ive already asked but everythings been going downhill faster than a vx commodore with its brakes cut.

    i had a power fc, it seemed to have been repaired, it would boot fine, however wouldnt turn off - long story short when its hooked up the fuel pump relay ticks on and off constantly and the controller wont go past its menu

    so i cut my losses for now and got one expressed from japan, thankfully it too is damaged (burn marks on the board - ignition circuit) and it is also messing with the fuel pump relay....

    so im begging anyone out there that has or knows of someone that has a power fc for a R33 Series 2 please!! please let me know!

    im desperate for one before easter

    if you have had this problem and resolved it im down hear how...checked all fuses / pin out powers and still nothing!

    thanks heaps


  3. going for my tune this week!

    thank fully my power fc isn't working....some spastic has pulled it apart and tried to repair it.

    So basically I need a new one. With or without the hand controller!

    For a series r33 gtst!

    If anyone can help please message!

  4. wondering if anyone could shed some light on my problem,

    remove my calipers for painting as they were looking a little bit faded. sealed them all up perfectly before cleaning / painting.

    hooked everything back up but now i cant seem to draw fluid down from the master cylinder down the lines to the calipers....?

    tried everything i can think of but nothings working....

    can only narrow it down to either that

    a) master has some how died over a week of not being used

    b) lines are blocked (all four? even though they were fine before hand)

    c) im doing something wrong....

    is there a special bleeding method like bleeding at the ABS control first or what???

    i tried regular bleeding and it would work however the pistons inside the calipers arent moving and its not drawing any fluid.

    any help or tips would be muchly appreciated.

  5. lads,

    finally got my 34, now running through a major service trying to undo some of the abuse this poor car has been dealing with.

    gotta change all the coolant lines right throughout the bay, due to rust damage.

    wondering, pros / cons between rubber and silicone?

    anyone run silicone? all info will be muchly loved


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