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Posts posted by kaneryan

  1. sorry mate but those off the shelf jap exhausts are overpriced and often have step-downs at the mufflers. I just pulled a 4inch apexi stainless catback off a GTR that had 3 inch mufflers. What a waste of money; well the apexi sticker in the window is a bonus for some...

    edit: the 4inch apexi catback is for sale btw

    but as i said earlier, this is about not sitting to low, not about the size of the exhaust, yes you need it to flow, but what is the OP wanting. we can keep discussing this all day, but need to know what he wants,

    also as i said earlier, everyone is very upset with these step downs, but most GTR's run less than 400kw (standard engine) and there is no need to have bigger than 3.5 inch exhasut anyway, if you have got 400-450kw and over then 3.5inch you should go. again ill repeat, this is about exhaust hanging to low, now japanese exhausts are shit.

    now having a mate own a 33GTR and i used to own a 33GTST and from previous knowledge im pretty sure the 33 is the tightest of them all, the least amount of room under the car, and im pretty sure most of them dip down low around the rear axle???? is that where it is low?

  2. No, no you don't.

    A system that generally hangs lower than it needs to, with peanut mufflers and a catalogue badge doesn't represent value for money in anyway.... Unless you like badges.

    you have these brands that have done extensive work on perfecting exhausts to fit on cars, this comment above is in relation to noise and in response to another comment that you can see didnt quote properly.

  3. If you disagree

    If you cannot agree with the agent or landlord about how the bond should be paid out, or if you feel that they are taking too long, you can lodge a Claim for Refund of Bond Money form yourself without their signature on it. This will start the ball rolling but the bond will not be released immediately.

    Fair Trading will post a notice to the agent or landlord giving them 14 days in which to contest your claim by applying to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. If they do not apply within the 14 days, the bond will then be paid out as per your claim. If they apply to the Tribunal the bond will be held by Fair Trading until the dispute is settled. The landlord or agent will need to attend a hearing at the Tribunal and present evidence to back up their claim. You will receive a notice from the Tribunal if they apply. You should also attend the hearing and bring evidence to support your claim.

    Challenging a landlord's claim

    If the landlord or agent lodges a claim first, without your signature, Fair Trading will send you notice giving you 14 days in which to contest the claim. You can contact the agent or landlord and try to get them to change their mind and lodge a new claim form signed by both of you. If that is unsuccessful your only option is to apply to the Tribunal within the 14 days, otherwise the bond will be paid out as per the landlord's claim.

    If you lodge a claim with the Tribunal make sure you complete and return the Notice of claim slip to Fair Trading as mentioned in the form. Fair Trading will then hold the bond until the Tribunal makes a decision.

    Within 7 days of lodging the claim they must send you copies of the final inspection report, along with any estimates, quotes, invoices or receipts relating to the claim. If they fail to do this you should raise it at the Tribunal hearing. You should also tell the Tribunal if you were not given a reasonable opportunity to be present at the final inspection, and if you disagree with what was written in the final condition report. You should also show any evidence you have to support your position.

    Claim by your landlord

    The main reasons a claim may be lodged against your bond are:

    • if you still owe any rent or have unpaid water usage bills
    • if you broke the lease early and haven't paid the break fee or other compensation payable
    • if you didn't hand all the copies of the keys you were given and the locks needed to be changed
    • if you caused damage or didn’t leave the premises in a reasonably clean condition, compared to the original condition report, apart from normal fair wear and tear.

    This is not an exhaustive list. There may be other legitimate reasons for the landlord or agent to make a claim against your bond, such as the cost of disposing of goods you have left behind.

  4. correct. if there are charges to be made at the end of the lease due to damage. then it comes out of the bond. for example. if the bond was $2000 and the glass that was scratched was $600 to replace then she should get back

    $1400. or she can choose to pay the $600 out of her own pocket and get the full bond back.

  5. yep. get a jap exhaust....cause 2.5" restritors are exactly whst everyone wants

    well im running 390kw and a HKS super turbo muffler exhaust, its 85mm and flows fine! unless your running over 450kw.... why do you need more than a 3.5-4inch exhaust??

    ive seen people running 3 inch exhaust and still making 400+kw....... but that aside thats not the point the OP is trying to get at here. its all about the position of the exhaust. not the size, yes the size does matter when your getting it custom made but i suppose thats up to the shop making it. or what the customer wants. ive had 4 exhausts and a custom made one aswell until i was happy with my exhaust


    if your going to spend big dollars on a custom exhaust you might aswell just import a japanese exhaust... (hks,apexi etc... )

    ive been through the whole custom exhaust thing. and buy the time you get the whole noise down thing, your spend like $1000+ for a cat back, and yes most mufflers are restricted to 3inch internally so your back where you started...or youve just down graded your flow

    • Like 1
  7. well if you drive along and you hit boost and the car pulls harder then your intercooler isnt blocked. in saying that its not "blocked" it might be partially blocked.
    but i would have to agree with some of these other guys, cleary your running Fark loads of boost! if its still popping off a t clamp. install boost controller and report back :)

  8. Thanks dude! A lot of effort gone into the car!

    Personal preference really. I've got the te37 tta rims. Yep every second persons got te37s but it's what ever your into really. I went the TTA rims as only a few people have them. So just make your car unique and aslong as you think it looks good that all that matters :)

  9. im running a wideband sensor! drove from Sydney to Melbourne and didn't have any issues.... was just cruising. none stop for 10 hours it was fine on E85.
    did have a drama on the way home when my thermostat and radiator shit its self and was sitting around 95 degrees the whole way home but had nothing to do with the long drive... E85 for the WNI!!
    once you go Ethanol you will never want to go back!

  10. hey dude just to give you an idea

    you can see my setup in my signature but

    317kw @ 20psi on 98

    315kw @ 15psi on E85

    388kw @ 20psi on E85

    so you can see the difference. hope this helps OP

    These figures here are after a full tune with cams. Same mods just a low boost and high boost on e85 and a high boost on 98

    So there is your comparison

  11. That is about 6% , what gear? would be interesting if the psi was turned up a bit. Did you notice better low end response as well as mid range?

    Kane are they different cams before the E85 graph? great result with the new cams :)

    Wanted the comparison on the same motor same tuner if possible and would like to see what happens with lower and higher psi comparisons :)

    nah this is after cams have been installed

  12. You need to run a lot of boost to see the same power figures on 98.

    When you think about it E85 is seeing the same power figure as 98 is with 5 psi less!

    So why not run e85 you can get more power out of the engine with less boost. Have a search there is plenty of comparisons on here from people going from 98-e85 best bet would be check the dyno graph section in the forums

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