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Mr. Oizo

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Everything posted by Mr. Oizo

  1. ooh when did you get some alienbees? thats really well done sidd every time i try to use one light like that, i always f**k it up and put it off to an angle too much and create a huge shadow on one side of their face LOL
  2. uninstall photoshop please
  3. Here's some from yesterday these two are straight from camera, i still need to edit them I need to retouch the whole floor on this...
  4. I hate this thread, I never should have sold my R34 lol
  5. I guess the person that stole the photo from my flickr page couldn't read properly?
  6. haha, its either a small world, or im becoming more famous
  7. also, people seem to like your car
  8. oh btw if anyone else in melbourne wants photos, PM or email me.
  9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tharakalol/se...57624070754175/
  10. here's the cyclorama with the gridded beauty dish, there was a big softbox on the left and here's the other room you can see the softbox on the left, and the diffused beauty dish on the right
  11. thanks sidd generally it was pretty much like this: the ones in the cyclorama with emily marilyn and the bed were using a big gridded beauty dish as the main light and the ones that are much brighter all round, and a bit more "high key" sort of, are the gridded beauty dish as main, and a softbox on the left as fill the ones in the little room with the checkered floor had a diffused beauty dish, camera right as main and a softbox, camera left as fill but as i moved around for some shots, the 'camera left'/'camera right' thing gets a bit muddled around
  12. this is from may, but i'm posting it in the june thread because i'm already here lol nws: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tharakalol/se...57624070754175/
  13. Adjusted prices and added/removed some new gear
  14. Yeah the video is what made me want to go, it was a lot of travel from Tokyo itself though, but I think it was well worth it! It was amazing to see in real life, when I walked into the room with the big tank, my jaw literally dropped.
  15. Hey guys, I ended up getting the ballot for Lorne and Marion Bay, and I'm not using the Marion Bay one; so if anyone wants to buy 4 tickets to Falls in Marion Bay, post up and I've got a free code for you. Thanks
  16. what noticable difference does the lens make when panning?
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