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stroked 32

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  1. pm me please where bouts you in perth ?
  2. pm me where bouts in perth are you?
  3. will manifol bolt on to r32 with turbo? if so how much would you want?
  4. yeah hi just wonderin what kind of deal can you do for the konig unknowns 18*8 with tyres and with out?
  5. how much did you want for them and how much tread on tyres
  6. yeah where bouts in perth are you and can i have pics pm me
  7. could i get pics of wheels and do they come with rubber also
  8. could you pm me with pics of front mount intercooler cheerz
  9. are they still available any more pics and can you send them cross country how much?
  10. yeah hi would i beable to get pics of front bar and front fenders cheers pm me plz
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