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Everything posted by ScorpR32

  1. That happened a few suburbs away from me... a few years back. Son took his father's car for a drive and was going at an extraordinary speed in a residential street when he lost control and killed himself + 2 friends. It was not a pretty scene from what I heard
  2. I'd definately say it's worth more than $11.5k. As for $15k you will struggle with a series 1 these days
  3. That's all well and good however as I said... expensive total loss= up the creek. And not all companies have such phenomenal excesses. I can see how it could potentially be of some use to an under 25 however. Plus I really couldn't be stuffed putting in the effort to monitor my mates contributions. It seems like you guys are keen tho!
  4. And what if your car is a total loss? If we are talking about a cheapish sort of car it makes sense, but not if your car is worth in excess of 5k- unless you are all making large contributions each month. And if one of you dips into the fund and uses all of it- what happens to the other guys if they need it soon thereafter? I'd rather have the security of knowing that I can simply call on my insurer if required. Plus I wouldn't want to risk a sh!tfight with my mates everytime someone needs to use the money.
  5. yep go the brown (sorry i mean uber poo gold) on the 31 + 1 DR30 FTW
  6. this thread has aids.. but anyway all skylines are tops. they have all been great in their day/age. Everyone is going to be biased towards the particular model they own. But enough of the 32 bashing. All the people that say the 32 is VN commodore-spec etc need kicks to the face. It may be a little basic in comparison to later models but the 32 is far superior to many cars of the same vintage. Especially with regards to build quality of other vehicles around that time. But we get it... you have a boner over 33s!
  7. +1 for JustJap. Excellent prices + service.
  8. Man that sucks hope you recover the bike and the kents who stole it get their nuts chopped off.. Might be a good idea to post in the NSW section too.
  9. It's price to risk though. I think it would more so be a coincidence that the rates are higher in the major centres anyway as they tend to contain both the more affluent people AND the riff raff.
  10. it's all a big fat waste of tax payer dollars if you ask me! They all get around in style these days. It is unneccessary for cops to be driving 60-70k + cars.
  11. New P-Platers can all complain and whinge about the laws and try to find ways to bypass them but the fact remains that driving the car in question is illegal, and has been made so for a reason. Regardless if you think you are a good driver- the laws have been put in place for a reason; the fact that younger drivers in high performance vehicles are generally over-represented in the road toll figures, and the road toll in general. You are at your most vulnerable when your first start driving by yourself, and really all these laws do is protect people from themselves. So if you choose to drive a restricted vehicle, you not only risk losing your licence/car but you will also not be covered by any insurance you have on that vehicle. Is it really worth it? Why not wait a couple of years until you have some experience under your belt. You have an extremely high chance of regretting it when you get caught.
  12. Yeah agreed in general... never had an issue with them when I had my 32. They seem to update vehickes pretty often. They have that blue xr as mentioned with the RBT plates, and a smattering of other multi coloured cars. As someone else said... just slow down when you see a sus looking XR with a few too many aerials!
  13. Don't think he minds Familias. But last time we spoke he said Police are now targeting grey R33 Series 1 skylines in the Lisarow area.
  14. yep got the heads up on this one and the others round my area cos one of the sneaky buggers lives next door
  15. Ok mate from your description of events, you would have a decent chance of claiming against the other party involved. You really do need witnesses in these circumstances though. A lot of morons won't admit liability in these situations, especially when they know it is borderline and that fault cannot easily be established. I wish you the best of luck mate.
  16. Mate you are always gunna struggle with insurance especially if you park your line in a public carpark or on the street. These cars are considered a high risk car for both theft and accidents; therefore this is reflected in both the premiums and excesses. I doubt anyone else will touch you to be honest
  17. From the info given he has third party property... which covers damage caused to others parties such as in the case you describe. We really need to know further information to give you any further help champ.
  18. Not really any louder than stock from my experience on my 32
  19. Whilst your car is most probably safe in its situation- I wouldn't risk it as you may be in breach of your duty of disclosure if it comes to claim time.
  20. That's about right. Otherwise I think you could safely run the gauntlet. Being in the industry I can't say I've ever heard of a claim declined based on window tint.
  21. What I really meant is that it would be very improbable that an insurance company would decline a claim based upon dark tint on the back/rear windows. Especially since that it is unlikely to have caused an accident in the first place.
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