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Everything posted by gdogzgtr

  1. No I can't clear EPA's I can only issue them LOL which I never do anymore. Yes It was one of the above Roads and if you know them that speed during the day pretty dangerous as fairly busy. Oh and by the way I did catch armed robber with knives on him friday night as per your instuctions. I hope your happier now everyone.
  2. Guys, I am not upset at any comments aimed at me/police as I know this is a car forum. Where most have been of you would have hassled by police for the cars you drive . I joined here couple of years ago as I had a modified R33 GTR and Have had 2 TT Soarers and still drive a TT Supra. I have been EPA'd for noise on Soarer to which I changed exhaust I even had my Licence suspended for Speeding when I was 18. (funnly enough in a Daihatsu applause) for 131 in 110 zone so if they dropped speed by 1 km then wouldn't have been suspended. I learnt from it and as most can agree have done worse than that and got away with it. Here is a story of how bad some police are. Obviously I am in the job and my house got broken into few years ago. You would think I would be looked after but NO. I had lazy CIU that told me I staged the Burglary (insurance fraud) as we lost extreme amount of Jewellery $100K (which wasn't insured by the way) and instead of assisting me and investigating it they hassled/interogated me and my partner and did nothing. SO even though I am one I am far from impressed with most of my colleagues. So I can see all sides which is sometimes hard for me at work as well as others can't. I agree most police typical holden/ford fans and dislike imports but that stems from the R32's kicking their arses if you ask me. They just can't get over it. Anyway thanks to the few of you that have assisted me. Enjoy your cars and drive safely.
  3. How our promotion works is First 2 years Your on Probation. Then following 2 years Constable and after that 4 years your become Senior Constable. Then after total of 12 years in job you become Leading Senior Constable. Previously you could apply for a Leading Senior Constable spot after 5 years in job and get huge pay increase but that he ceased in last 12 months. I wish I could have done that becasue you do exactly the same work but get $20K more. You can become SGT after 5+ years in job but very unlikely most newly promoted Sgt's have been in 15-20 years. Then You can apply for more senior spots again.
  4. Absolutely. There is NO way we could keep up to date with paperwork if we charged everyone for everything that we came across. Unless I was willing to spend 4 hours a day in my own time doing it and that's never going to happen.
  5. I would estimate at least 90% of time taken at a job where offender arrested or Domestic situation would be paperwork. Any brief of evidence for court will take minimum 4-5 hours with interviewing offender and all relevant paperwork. Even if it's simple traffic offence or $5 shoppie. It's a big issue and the major increase in paperwork affiliated with domestics has had major affect on tying up of police units. I have spend 10+ hours in a row dealing with domestics where prpoerty damaged or minor assault then have to attend court for intervention order's and paperwork associated so could take me 2-3 full 8 hour shifts just to deal with that. And you wonder why you have to wait so long for police.
  6. It is Similiar to CIU but very different in you only investigate Drug Dealing and Iformation reports of Same. Good chance to improve investigative knowledge and process of Seach Warrants etc. In general I have absolutely no interest in CIU as I prefer to be out and about going to jobs, checking people and intercepting cars not sitting in office investigating reports/offences. My dream spot would be to go to Dog Squad as I would love to drive around catching crooks and not having to do all the paperwork as informant. Just catch them hand them over to local members and go to the next job.
  7. I know a fair amount of TMU members and they don't have specific Targets but other area's their boss my give them Targets. I would expect at least 15-20 fines in a shift at TMUo bvious depends if tasked for other duties or tied up with Booze Bus or collisions. We have done up to 30 in traffic car shift. I really enjoy general duties at present as lots of variety in what we do. I really like the crew and bosses I work with and work under 10 minutes from home. I am looking at going into DTU (Divisional Tasking Unit) in future which is 18 month secondment where you work in 4 man crews and investigate local drug dealers etc which would be good experience and good to lock a few up hopefully.
  8. I don't have a "Target" I just like giving out fines to people doing the obvious wrong thing. Our goal is to reduce road trauma which fining people driving at excessive speed should help. In general duties you can't have a target as we are generally tied up going job to job so most shifts don't even get a chance intercept vehicles. Like every job reality is stats are important. Because I do give out fines I get given specific traffic car shifts which is a good change from going to assaults/domestics the everyday things we deal with. In relation to myself I have been in general duties uniform policing for 7 years.
  9. Contacted Porsche Dealership and possibly under 10 Yellow GT3 sold in last couple of years. Will get onto Vic Roads next week and try to get list of same. Fairly hard as I doubt they would put them in sepatare category so list probably include all Yellow Porsche's. Bit like GTR just is listed as nissan skyline. I already have a "cool" Nickname at work and my boss already impressed at how hard I work. Have most arrests at station by mile and in top 3 for penalty notices issued. I just think you should work hard as we have no reason to do same there is no work performance awards. I could do 10% of what I do and actully finish on time for once but that's not what I'm about. Laser Unit's don't save speed so it would be my word against their's in relation to that if it ever went to court. You could possibly look at charges like Conduct Endangering Life, Driver manner dangerous, speed dangerous, careless driving, exceed speed limit and improper use re speed under new hoon laws.
  10. I did see the driver enough to describe his age, ethnicity etc and it had personalised plates. In relation to Where I perform Laser duties I don't see that I would need permission to give out that iformation. I have at least 3-4 other streets in my area that I sit also and TMU and other members have 100's of others so naming one spot in a thousand I highly doubt will worry anyone. I am not saying that I would be successful in tracking them down or even if do find them I agree It would be unlikely to prosecute but I still think it's worthwile to try to track them down. Reality is could look into further charges not just traffic related. That much over speed limit in middle of day in busy industrial area could speak to them about charges similiar to conduct endangering life. Not unreasable to have truck pull out of Driveway in front of them etc
  11. I am not doubting that It probably will be unlikely that I would be able to impound his vehicle but still want to speak to him about his driving. I am more than happy to move on with life not ever catching up with him. I just feel like someone driving like that should be spoken too. I would think that most of you would agree.
  12. Just reading up on Impound Laws vehicle can be impounded within 10 days of offence. I wouldn't have bothered asking if it were another type of vehicle but I highly doubt that there would be more than a handful of yellow GT3 in Victoria. I did give a KALOF for the vehicle at the time with no luck. Can you explain how I would be breaking the Law by giving warning to to location where some Laser/Radar operate. We have full listings on line where fixed speed camera's are located. Possibly I may be slowing some motorists down in that area now which is a positive step. Preventing offences always priority. There are more than a few members on here that I have pulled over that can confirm I am member of police force. I don't see how making enq's into offence is harrassment.
  13. There are a few at my station and TMU that go there as we are tasked. I have a great spot where I do it where I get people up and down the hill and I am not seen. If people going down the hill they are intercepted under Eastlink which is a good safe well lit location to pull somenoe over and other way is pulling them up past Jells Road in Service Lane. Generally I don't do it in peak hour as too hard to intercept/catch up to offender. Yes probably 80% over speed limit. Generally within 5 minutes I catch someone who is doing 25+ over limit.
  14. Just so you know His speed wasn't through a roadworks area it was in a Factory precint area in Mulgrave during the day. I obviously will be making other avenues of investigation. I thought that some on here think that this person deserves to be caught. Reallity is if I don't ever catch him that means no work for me but if I do then lots more so if I were lazy I wouldn't even be looking for him. I'm not TMU and I think sitting in 40 zones booking people at 50 is rediculous. The only time someone gets a speending fine for me is if they are doing at least 22+ over limit. I would personally think that Imports are getting a lot less hassles from general duties police in recent times due to our increased work loads. I know myself I barely ever get a chance to even pull over a car as tied up with crooks or going job to job.
  15. I am asking if you guys can keep a look out for a bright Yellow Porsche GT3 new model around Clayton, Mulgrave and surrounding area's to assist me in trying to track it down. I had it on laser doing 60+ km/h over speed limit and i was unable to catch up to it or get registration details. Any info would be greatly appreciated. If you see one around in that area can you PM me the Rego so I can make some enq's with the owner. I highly doubt that there are many around so it will stand out. Thanks PS little warning don't speed through Road Works area in Fertree Gully Road in Scoresby and Wheelers Hill area as we are tasked to perform Laser Duties there and many licenses have ben taken. Fortunately Not one import so far.
  16. Kane:In regards to the above I know for fact that driver 2-3 times limit, travelling approx 50km/h over speed limit and went straight ahead through red light at Major intersection. Do you still feel sorry for them?
  17. I Know we seize their passport so they can't flee and then they get prosecuted, get their punishment and I believe then they will be deported. I just hate drink driver's as I have been in major accident where I was lucky just to walk away from it. A heavily intoxicated driver admitted have 20+ beers hit me head on at 120+km/h on wrong side of road in suburban street and also failed to stop at scene. He got tracked down at home as his car leaked oil/coolant from scene to his house 1 km away then he armed himself with pole and tried to attack my colleagues that found him. In the end he refused to give blood or breath test. All he got was 3 months Jail a fine and 8 years disqualification. Never showed and remorse.
  18. I didn't want to mention it before but other's have already brought it up, yes the offending driver was an Idian on an international driver's licence. Sorry to say but in recent times almost every drink driver well over limit I have dealt with has been African/Indian/Asian etc on temporay visa's. We even had a police van run into few months ago by Indian driver heavily intoxicated travelling at 160 in 60 zone through red light showed no remorse and tried to punch on with members to avoid going to hospital to have blood taken. I am sick of dealing with people like this who have no regard for our laws.
  19. Another Bad night with a Fatal Collision involving R31 Skyline. All I will say is one innocent person deceasded as result of accident and offending driver(Skyline) who survived with no injuries ran red light, speeding and alcohol affected. RIP to deceased and I have no mercy to offending driver.
  20. This doesn't surprise me at all this sort of punishment or lack there of by the courts is the norm not the exception. It's only in the media because of the racial side of things. I personally love when things like this in media showing the general public how soft the courts are. It will only change when enough people complain about it. If somone drives whist disqualified twice the second time is mandatory 1 month prison term. But someone who commites burglaries/thefts/assaults etc get let off with warnings and told to get help for their drug abuse. I am used to it and its one reason I don't want to go to CIU. I couldn't imagine spending 100's of hours to try to lock up criminal only for courts to let them go with slap on wrist. I'm at least straight forward with my victims and tell them that the offender's will get nothing at court and if they want to complain talk to the courts/parliament about these sentances. I think in my time in job I have only ever had 2 offenders receive jail sentance and they were for driving offences. I don't even pay attention any more to sentances given to my offenders. I get them to court and that's my job done other wise I would go insane.
  21. As long as I've been in vicpol (7 YRS) Careless has always been a court appearance/summons offence. That's why we issue so many fail to have full control of vehicle or fail to drive sufficent distance behind a vehilce fines as they are penalty notices/on spot fines. Saves us a lot of time/paperwork. And as you see in other thread about assault offenders avoiding jail the courts are stuffed and that's why we issue fines over summons when ever possible because it's just a waste of our time taking most people to court.
  22. Both Reckless and Careless are summons offences for court. There is now a penalty notice for careless driving but I believe only can be issued to offending driver in circumstances of minor accident with no injuries. I personally would think it's a bit harsh to get done for Reckless in those circumstances more likely Careless and fail to have full control of vehicle would be more appropriate. I would say that if charged with Reckless you would be lucky not to get a suspension but if careless is the charge and you don't have many traffic priors then fine and points most likely outcome.
  23. You can either pay the fine, contact them stating incorrect rego which fine would be re-issued anyway with correct rego or contest the fine at court but if you committed the offence and admitted the offence which it sounds like you did in court they offence would stand anyway. I would suggest pay fine now or if you need more time make them re-issue it giving you more time.
  24. The person receiving the call on 000 would have no idea whether or not a unit would be attending as they just receive the information which then gets forwarded to a dispatcher who dispatches the job to the unit whose area the job is in. Trouble with jobs like these on freeways etc is they start off in one police area and might go through 5-6 other area which are sometimes crossing over regions and different radio area's with different dispatchers. The 000 call takers and dispatchers are NOT police and work for a private company so have no training in relation to police proceedures. Unless major incident police units stick to their own area's. Where I work we have roads which boarder another Region which means one side of the road is my area and other side of road isn't and both sides of the road are on totally different radio channels. So I could be 50m away from armed robbery etc and don't even get informed of it. I can tell you that every job on freeway is priority one from piece of wood on road to 10 car fatal collision and as such we obviously attend to them promptly when units available. Drink/Drugged driver's is a hate of every police and we treat jobs like these very seriously. I have travelled numerous times lights and sirens over large distances to track down vehicles from jobs like these. There are major issues with the way the system works and I hope that I am starting to enlighten a few of you to the realities we deal with everyday and not just police are lazy and only NOU import drivers.
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