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Everything posted by Doraemon88

  1. no problem mate, glad to help =D
  2. Could try, DMD but they do dodgy jobs so know ur bodykits.. =D
  3. Hey emsta2003 mate thanks so much for info..i really appriciate it mate =D let me get into contact with j-spec and i will get back to ya.. thanks mate
  4. lol watch out for those obachans and ojichans(old lady and old men) on the train and normal day life.. they will push u aside if ur in their way with elbows lol.. also depending on where u wanna go.. ikebukero in tokyo is pretty popular.. u would need the yamanote line to get there... The Yamanote line does a huge circle so u can get it to shibuya, Harajuku, Shinjuku and Akihabara...As well as Tokyo station etc.. If you want bars, funky clubs, strip clubs etc.. Shibuya and Shinjuku are your main targets...i can lay down the scenes of each so its easier cause they sound the same Shibuya - High end fashion brands, accessories its all there fashion wise... also many teeny bobbers hang out there(Aka Shibuya girls) Ayumi hamasaki shops there as well at the plaza called 609 or something newho. also a good place i hear is Gaspanic bar/club or watever.. but the problem is u have to keep ordering drinks and if u dont tip them they make weak drinks lol.. Shinjuku - Nice dinners,lunches and bars and nice gift shops there.. also a huge book shop there and on the 6th floor has english books so if u didnt get a guide book and u feel alittle overwhelmed head ther and pick one up Harajuku - another fashion place but more for urban/used and other stylish clothes there.. really worth the trip Akihabara - electronic town, anything and everything is there Food:- Keep in mind ur maccers and kfc fix like in aus is very different here.. lol i suggest ya dont worry about it.. its too expensive also its not as large as u think when u try a large.. Try eating at these places... Matsuya, Yoshinoya, Coco's Curry shop, Ramien Shop's.. Matsuya: is my fav out of all them.. its like very lush food at cheap prices also its instantly made really for you in less then 3mins plus they give u free miso soup, To order at Matsuya u will see a vending machine inside or outside depending on where u go, you put ur cash in and pick the dish u want then you will get a ticket and walk inside, sit down give them the ticket and foods ready!.... plus its open 24hrs so after a heavy drinking session at your local izakaya, matsuya isthe way to go.. Yoshinoya: same but doesnt compare.. the food isnt that hot.. plus theres not much too choose from also it doesnt give you free miso soup.. ordering food is near the same.. depending on where u want to go.. or it may not even have a vending machine and you tell them which one you want... Coco's curry shop: Heres a good place to try japanese curry for the first time.. you pick which style of curry you want then pick the spicyness.. i always choose chicken katsu(chicken fillet) curry with 3 stars.. which is decent.. this curry shop is also open 24hrs or till 1 am i forgot.. the price is alittle more then the other two but for just trying it the first time its worth it.. Transport Here is the most important rule about japan do not catch taxi's unless its really needed, the price for taxis is written on the side and if you dont know how far away your going ur gonna get charged a arm and a leg.. also dont open taxi's door, they can do it them selves same with closing . best forms of transport in japan is only Train and buss.. beside its much easier and faster to get anywhere less hassle but only problem is knowing which way to go.. since many people get lost in the subways and trainlines in japan.. even japanese citizens get lost... but newho .. its pretty simple.. Bars and host bars Yup, you ask for a bar in japan u will get directed to a host bar, where u pay insane amounts of cash to sit down with a girl/guy or two for a hr or so drinking and talking to them.... but what u really want some is some clubs or proper bars...So best places for you and your mates is a Izakaya its a japanese style bar.. where u sit on the floor drinking and eating all the japanese drinking foods.. tell ya.. Raw horse with soy&garlic is pretty delicious after u had some asashi beers lol.. So mate when u land in japan make sure u have already got transport from the Narita airport to ur hotel.. never catch a taxi if u havnt got arranged transport.. you want to start to research on trains now... anyways mate, good luck in japan here .. i been here for nearly a year and im loving it.. if feel unsure on anything like helpful questions in japanese post here or pm me.. most of us in the land of the rising sun can help you mate.. cheers.. have a safe flight...
  5. hi there sorry to waste your time guys, but originally i thought i could import a car no problem just buy and go since i have my friend in the export&import business the shipping would be too easy now since i slapped my self many times to understand the fine lines, It seems i can't do that and my time is running out in Japan... heres my question's sorry >< 1. I want to import a car from japan but i do not meet the requirements is it possible to buy a car off a import company like J-spec and arrange shipping and compliance my self? or is it impossible?, If so what should i do to get around this problem without buying one in Aus. 2. I been reading scary stories about people importing a nice car but some good parts have been swapped to dodgy parts by the compliancer is this true?. last question sorry guys.. If any of you guys/gal reading this and had the same or near the problem as i have, would you please be able to reply or pm me with what steps u took to counter this problem? sorry if i sound like a noob or so.. just freaked out thank you very much for hearing me out lol and sorry again =D many thanks Tas
  6. Anyone know how much it is for compliancing for R33's and R34's in Queensland? thanks
  7. Hi all, Sorry for my noobish post was gonna ask another question but i posted it at like 6am lol newho.. i live in saitama, close to ikebukero in tokyo been here for nearly 10months now. used to privately teach english but got boring so i gave up and started to tour around japan =D thanks Taz
  8. Thanks so much guys for your answers =D haha my questions really do seem noobish.. but i dont know where to ask also Wink mate, what does this mean "RB25DET Neo that the coupe has." im guessing its a engine number right? also SkylineT04Z mate, What is Wins D1 series.. haha im so noob when it comes to cars thanks so much for putting up with it;) ps is there a place i can read all about skyline parts and series etc.. haha manythanks
  9. Hi all, I'm quite new to this forums and also skylines in general.. lately since i live in japan i have been looking into R34 skyline sedans but i could not find any useful information =D or i maybe just a noob anyways here goes Are they rare? Are they still powerful compared to the R34 coupe?. Is the handling still good?. Does it require more attention then the coupe car maintance wise? thank you very much for your help.. im still quite a newb to this thanks for putting up with it! /discuss
  10. Haha im quite new to this website.. i found it a few nights ago while searching info about skylines.. anyways im in japan atm.. just seeing who is currently in japan on this forum.. anyways cheers thanks ps nice pics Rezz
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