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Everything posted by Rocky88

  1. my house is fairly new and i managed to find its building proposal on councils website... i found out that proposed driveway was rejected by some traffic advisor dude at council because it was too narrow and steep... building was then approved with condition that developer gets rid of those damn walls near footpath and make it less steep... he didn't he literally put walls all the way to the road for some reason...
  2. my r32 doesnt have compliance plate either... have to carry an exemtion form with me but otherwise no dramas with regency
  3. suspected suspension damage, wtf... is that their professional opinion? i kept my r32 in exactly same condition since it left regency last time, yet im still afraid of getting defected coz of shit like this
  4. is that what u got defected for? never heard theres any limit as long as its not touching it...
  5. do they still shut gates at mount lofty at night?
  6. easier said than done
  7. yes, having an alarm in your skyline might be a good idea too... where do you live again?
  8. same here... bored as f**k, would love to go cruising... too bad i cant drive my r32 atm on the other hand i found old nfs:carbon dvd somewhere. next best thing!!! lol
  9. Spray Painting/Hobbies
  10. why broad minded person lol?
  11. a cabbie once knocked his exhaust pipe off on my driveway... $600 is a rip-off, i can buy myself $50 worth of concrete and fill the damn gutter myself if they want me to pay for it... besides gutters are their property not mine
  12. noones driveway can beat that: i know it looks bit wide at end, but thats no use coz there are walls at each side all the way to footpath... if there was no damn gutter in front i could get out at angle just wide enough to get out without scraping front bar
  13. same here.. im staying legal now... got sick of going to regency almost every month.. big waste of money still got some illegal mods but theyre so hidden even regency doesnt pick them
  14. gauges are legal... been thru regency 4 times with gauges in and no probs...
  15. actually i cant, thats falcon on the photo... i have to put two wooden blocks over the gutter to get r32 out... well either that or leave some fibreglass on the asphalt but yea, i know there are even worse driveways out there...
  16. That's what im trying to do... already wrote to them today and now waiting for answer.. im in west torrens tho, but i heard councils are pretty helpful with these things
  17. heh, yea that's pretty much what i do atm.... extremely impractical tho, particularly in rain as for moving out... i wish, but I live at my folks place... not option atm
  18. ha, yea it does kinda look like it but i dont think its his but yea, i dont have much room for turning coz its hell narrow and there are walls at each side... its pretty much impossible to exit without scraping front bar
  19. that's falcon... getting my lowered r32 out there is nothing short of a miracle... not only its steep its also narrow with walls running at each side so theres not much room for going sharp turns and similar maneouvres anyone else wants to rant about their driveway lol?
  20. Rocky88


    noob question... if i did that stuff at home what should i use for sanding? ive heard of people using many things from sand paper, scotch brite pads and even razor sharp spatulas to strip the paint off... im pretty clueless about car painting... i once did a touchup job on my car and stripped paint using sandpaper... even that small section was a pain to do, cant imagine doing whole car
  21. Rocky88


    i would be able to take panels off but i wouldnt be comfortable going as far as sanding it down and priming it... well maybe i could sand it down to a certain level but without any tools it would take me ages to strip the paint off completely down to primer
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