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Posts posted by dannyw

  1. i can help you with the door and map lights since your in wa. other lighting mods you'll have to order from u.s or keep an eye on this forum. send me a pm of what you really want and ill show you the place.

    mind sharing which type of leds will fit for door and map lights? Do you mean that they r same as the ones in G35? Links would b great. Looking to change all them into white leds..

  2. gf: "what are you doing with your suitcase? moving out?"

    danny: "testing how long does it takes to run away, in case of fire or the next earthquake" ... "plus time to fit our suitcase in the car with the 2 woofer blocking..."

    gf:" yea, the house collapse and you with your car stuck in garage dead, coz yr sub blocking te way" (with a smile)

    danny:" ... tat's why i m rehearsing now..."

    *bored to death.. any cruise in Vic soon? next coming track day still 1 month away.. :laugh:

  3. i'm might not have had any sticker but i've actually had other things go wrong with the V since i've bought it.

    only had the V for about 5 months but have had to spend over $2k on it.

    it's been good for the past couple of weeks but i'm dreading to think what will go wrong next.

    spending 2k on FIXING it or spending to mod it? they are 2 different stories~ :laugh:

  4. thanks for the pic refers~ yea, i m thinking to put 2 10" at the exact spot and position, but lower and closer to the inner side.. hopefully i can get everything done in wednesday..

    from the pic, how can u still put 4 luggage? unless they are small ones.. coz i think it will only fit one of my large suitcase, tats about it

  5. does anyone notice there is more and more v35 on the road? or i just started noticing?

    driving to uni from clayton this morning, i saw 1 blue v35 (with wrong offset)..

    then reaching caufield- a small uni campus, i saw 1 red v35 parked roadside and another silver v35 passing by the kfc...

    3 in a roll... tat's a lot...

  6. visiting a nissan dealer, the first dealer didnt even bother to help me out, as it is an imported vehicles and the person a SHE... (no offense)

    Before leaving, she gave me a number to call, guessing it's the spare part in HQ? He guy took my vin and quoted $416.57 just for the key and programming can be done at any dealer, PROVIDED i give them the pin and no guarantee. (can understand, coz the pin is not provided by them)

    so i checked ebay and found this http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Nissan-Key-Patrol-T...%3A1|240%3A1318

    It looks very much the same as our key, but will it work on our v35?

    Wondering how JOHNR got it for $141.. mayb coz it is not imported from jp and it is actually for patrol? JOHNR, please help out?

  7. ok dumb question time

    was moving a few weeks ago and tried to put a moving trolley in the V. i couldn't figure out how to put the seats down. can the seats be put down in a V sedan?

    btw the boot is big enough for a few bodies if anyone is interested in kidnapping or the like :(

    there is a thingy that u pull inside the car to open up the boot.. so, he/she might still run away.. :(

  8. Just quoting tire size is of no use to whether you need camber or not. Quote your wheel width and offsets will give us a better indication. Also if it's not rubbing your guards or fouling any other body part then you prob don't need any additional camber. I had super streets on my 34 and did not need camber tops as it was only a daily driver and did not scrub the guards. Hope that helps.

    sorry, bad at these.. front width 8.5, rear 9.5, offset +35. Now rubbing guard now and the coilover will b put on this saturday, but believe wont have rubbing.. If will, will just roll it that day.

    wondering, super street can be set to comfy daily drive, rite?

  9. Danny...do not let that 'mechanic' touch your beautiful car.....!...he'll fu*k (with) it for sure.

    this is the problem, in his workshop(BIG) there was 1 porsche cayman, 1 bmw sport on hoist (i don know wat model, but it's black coupe and super shiny with sexy rims on), 1 S15, 1 evo9... all sexy and stuff... and ... then my lauzy v35 sitting there stock, waiting to be fixed... (tail lights not working)

    (also, before i left, another mech walked to him, telling him-the boss, tat *name*'s merc slk will come later tat day..)

    the equipments, doesnt look cheap at all, all clean and shiny, never i have seen a workshop that clean.. and mayb that's the reason he charged top price for top job..? *possible

    put yourself in my place, when u see this kind of situation, u gotta believe he CAN DO some pretty good job, rite?

  10. i recon u have to go with 20% of more with the tinting.. the legal tint doesnt look good..

    also, i once got a $1k detailing from Final Inspection in Vic, they are the BEST recon by anyone.. and it was a black car.. very hard~

    IMO, go to their place, look at how they work/talk/treat u, if he talked like bullshxt, run away.. $1k would be a reasonable price for a PRO job.

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