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Everything posted by Chibs

  1. LOL 2PAC..... Ok Topher fair enough i can see where your coming from... but for f#$$ sake can you see where im coming from? damn this government..... and damn the p platers who ruined it for us sensible ones
  2. hmmm... i understand they dont give a f**k about the people.... but i mean come on man why set such a strict law then go ahead and let them register turbo cars? i dont think its right and im surprised no one has protested.... I think if they had done that there would be a LOT less p platers driving around in turbo cars...
  3. Hmm... what i dont get is why the RTA let P plater's register turbo cars under their names when they know we cant drive them?? Beats me.... IMO !!! if the LAW really did not want "P-Platers" to drive around in turbo cars.... THEN WHY THE @#$$ LET US REGISTER IT UNDER OUR NAMES !!!
  4. Yeah and your words of wisdom are appreciated.... Also understand that others are not willing to take the same risk as me but i am just sharing with everyone my experience driving around in a turbo with a provisional driver's license.... It is intense and you are on the edge but i have had a lot of police cars pull up next to me and behind me with out pulling me over.... As i said if you do not drive like a maniac you will not attract any unwanted attention to yourself... However in saying that i also do realise that i can be pulled up at any time for no reason and get done... I am just in love with the car Also should have added that i do not drive around at night time... I feel at night you run more of a risk
  5. its all about how you drive.... drive sensible you should be fine However in Sydney.... if you are of an ethnic appearance your chances of getting pulled over tend to TRIPLE
  6. Yeah... i do realise that too and it is scary.... But again i have to say what are the chances of that happening i mean i have another month to go until i obtain my full's and when i drive its not for long and i always abide by the law and do not drive like a f#$$%... I just cant seem to let the car sit idle in the garage something just makes me jump in i am binded.....
  7. my first car was a Ford Laser 1993 carby ftw!
  8. that looks very clean.... how much did that set you back may i ask?
  9. Yeah that is a fair call mate... driving the car around atm means that insurance wont cover me and if i do happen to have an accident i will be forking out the cash out of my own wallet. But again.... what are the chances of this happening? very slim.... And i am well aware of the consenquences but still choose to do so... you may call me dumb fair enough everyone is entitled to their own opinion, But i am in love with the car and will continue to drive it.
  10. oh and let me apologise to all of those who i have offended with my post.... just thought i would contribute thats all
  11. geeeez.... so much hostility I am not encouraging people to do what im doing.... im just putting in my 2 cents because i seen this post Tosser bla bla throw all your comments at me mate and it is not going to change a thing... What i do is entirely up to me and i run the risk of losing the license not you.... so i think you should take a less hostile approach when replying to me because i do not appreciate being called a tosser... Keep an open mind and try to see things through a young blokes mind who has just purchased a nice car... Generally speaking... we are YOUNG and DUMB ! and just want to enjoy As i said i am in love with the car and love driving it.... I have been advised that the police are monitoring this website but again... what are the chances? very slim imo.... I will be taking it out tonight and i will be sure to report back to let you guys know i am still holding my license with all points. Cheers
  12. oh yeah... PO PO are going to track me down.... hah alrightey we will see about that one ey
  13. No... P platers are restricted from driving any V8's Supercharged or Turbocharged cars... unless you had made the cut off which i do not know when that was... but i certainly didnt make it
  14. Hey Mate, At the end of the day it all comes down to how long you will be stuck on your P's for.... if you JUST got on your Green's you will have to wait 2 years to drive a turbo.. no point buying a turbo In my opinion... dont even buy a NA skyline.... get a bomb to run you around like a corolla,swift? Then save save save and buy your turbo skyline when you are on your full's
  15. Hey Mate, Im not in Vic im in Syd... and i am on my P's and drive around in a R32 GTS-T... it is illegal yes and i am also aware of the consenquences but i just dont give a flying F*** because i am in love with the car ... i have been driving around for 2 months almost everyday and have not been caught (very lucky) i get off my p's next month... will seeing threads like this stop me from driving the car.. No it wont but thats just me.... Little tip ... dont put on the P - Plates when you are getting around in the car because thats just like putting a fat sticker on saying I AM RESTRICTED..... But since you have been caught already... Keep it garaged until you get your full's thats what i would do... You also seem pretty lucky to only cop 3 points and $256.... a friend of mine had copped a $1000 fine and lost his license for 6 months... SYD must be more strict
  16. Pod Filter = Straight defect ! Tints = Depends on the cop Exhaust = Depends no the cop (Usually cop defects for this even if the exhaust isnt loud) Low beam - High beam "That must be the most retarded defect!" Damn cops... got nothing better to do
  17. mate... in my personal opinion there is no point in buying any of that rubbish.... If someone wants to steal your car... they WILL as mentioned above just watch where you park it and such... if you dont live to far from work just catch public transport thats what i do... As for the car park... that 24 hour surveilance camera is not going to do you any favours and the police and "Security" for the car park do not help one bit.... Skylines are also unfortunately a target... and the people who steal cars nowdays are very quick and know what their doing....
  18. hahahah... im all for strippers!
  19. OH DAYUMMM.... some very sexc lookin rims there if i had a black car to go with it i would be onto them like fat kid on cake!!!! GL with sale they should go quick
  20. oh man.... i wish i could go back to my formal day even though it was only two years ago.! i rocked up on the BUS hahahaha... Make the most of the night man ! and GL with the date If it was Sydney i would have been glad to take you's with my Stock R32 hehe.... though i imagine you would prefer a beast sitting low!
  21. go for a R32 son !! you wont regret it But i dont know if you will find a good cond one for 8g'z... however good luck !
  22. i almost blew my load looking at them rims on that R33.... GOD DAMN !!!! very very nice rims.... too bad the shipping industry doesnt pay enough =(
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