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Posts posted by NickR33

  1. the story of commercial gyms everywhere... I can't hate too badly, I used to do half squats lol

    3 sets of 190kg x 3 yesterday... wasn't feeling it, they were slow grinds... hips and low back very stiff, getting good depth was difficult and painful.... pretty beaten up at the moment... but I haven't missed a rep this training cycle and I don't plan on it anytime soon

    200kg x 3 next week... need to eat better and get more sleep... better bring my strong

  2. Just completed week 10 of the 165kg deads program, got 160kg out. Now just gotta step it up next week and pull 165.

    The only part of PPP that has stalled for me is bench and feel like that might be partly technique related. By no means am I saying my squat or dead form is good, just not as big of a hinderance yet...

    good work... you'll make that 165kg... just have to get a bit fired up, grab it and rip the shit out of it!

    bench is tricky... it definitely doesn't progress as quickly as the other lifts... I'm still learning the technique

  3. inner core hey...

    play with your foot position... whatever is the most comfortable and allows you to squat to depth pain free is the way you should do it

    if your anything like me and have been sitting at a desk for years your hips are tight and your glutes are weak... you need to stretch your hips and strengthen your posterior chain

    foam roll your hips and quads... then go to mobility.wod and do the hip, groin and quad stretches... it hurts and sucks a bag of dicks

    then squat... properly

  4. I think Stel did 25 x 105kg today... on the safety bar (harder)... after doing normal squats and pause squats... he came quite close to death... then he did 40 x 65kg

    Max made me do a similar thing the other week... I hurt for days lol

  5. I do "good morning" the weight up when I am struggling in the hole sometimes. Is this a bad thing? Indicative that I should be further back on my heels?

    it's very common, especially with 'high bar' squatters... not a terrible thing as long as your not bending excessively... make sure your taking a big breath before each rep and hold it until you finish the rep... this can help brace your core... belts help as well but don't think you need one yet

    yep if you let the weight drift forward onto your toes you will find yourself getting bent over

    you can also do some good mornings as an assistance exercise

  6. go visit local pothead... buy weed... roll doob... smoke doob... eat like you've been lost in the wilderness for a month

    seriously it sounds as though you have some nausea issues... weed is the best anti-naseau medication in the world

    Nick's health tip of the day:)

  7. yeah that's a fair point

    I don't trust GPs though... always a magic pill... never ask you about your lifestyle... just test you, tell you your deficient and write a prescription

    I only listen to doctors who aren't fat and unhealthy

  8. I wasn't saying he IS evil... I was referring to his ownership of evilness...

    you're not buying that are you?... oh well, at least I spelt it correctly this time hehehe

    back on topic... why have you retired!? your partly to blame for getting me into this shit in the first place, now your quitting!

    at least come watch Dan Green and eat pizza

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