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Everything posted by nicrowkz

  1. nicrowkz

    @ Tranf4M

    EL OH EL if that's true... Karma is a bitch!
  2. nicrowkz

    @ Tranf4M

    ns.com is over that way --------------->
  3. nicrowkz

    Car Damaged

    Have you pissed anyone off lately?! It seems pretty full on for some randoms to trash a car like that for the fun of it
  4. nicrowkz

    Car Damaged

    What a bunch of f**kheads... Does your station have security cameras?!
  5. Birds is right... I have the exact same issue, sounds like a twittering noise but when i even just rest my foot so ever lightly on my clutch it goes away, and i've been told it's my thrust bearing too.
  6. nicrowkz

    @ Tranf4M

    Haaaaaaaaaahahahahaa you're a f**kin douchelord. That is all.
  7. Sell the s15 and then go ahead with your original plan
  8. I work in St Albans Monday to Friday... So i'll keep an eye out! No alarm/immobiliser?
  9. Spotted a bayside blue R34 GTR on Coburns Rd in Melton
  10. Spotted a yellow 34 with black rims on station rd/kings rd in Kings Park around 5.45pm
  11. Spotted a silver evo 8 mr last night... Believe it belongs to a certain member on here
  12. nicrowkz

    Dog Shelter?

    Nope I haven't used any of them... I'm on the other side of the city to you
  13. nicrowkz

    Dog Shelter?

    http://www.dogsbedandbreakfast.com/ http://www.homesteadkennels.com.au/ http://www.cottagekennels.com.au/ http://sparrowsinthetreetop.rtrk.com.au/?scid=30831&kw=34285:160447 Take your pick
  14. A few members would like to know if you come with the vehicle?
  15. Haahaha how does one get lost on a cruise?!
  16. I laugh everytime I see the 'no homo' Welcome Michael
  17. Spotted a white 33 series 2 with the plates VASSO on Kings Rd in Delahey this afternoon
  18. Ergh I quit WoW just over a year ago... Once I got the legendary healing weapon, the grind for it absolutely killed it for me was a shame as I was in the top 5 for best geared pally on Blackrock... Stupid me downloaded WoW again on the weekend.. Waiting to get the authenticator removed off my account because I can't find it... Is the xpac any good though? Can you actually play casually now or is it still a grindfest?
  19. Hahaha a murse is a man purse/man bag
  20. Exactly, otherwise it would be a total fashion disaster!
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