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Everything posted by G0DF4Th3R

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH any GTR owners wanna go RWD, i have an RB25DET here for you.. swap no cash adjustment for you RB26 kthxbai
  2. omg im so going to Japan as soon as i can *drool*
  3. Boosted_RB26 i believe? anywayz, Sexzilla i think ure post isnt fair at all to any of the workshops in Perth... u might wanna take it back.. i must say, ive used Cypher and Zack is a champ... havent used Hyperdrive but ive known Ken since before he opened Hyperdrive and he's a great peoples person.. I havent done much at SST except a few repairs but I get along well with Steve and he's given me heaps of advice not neccesarily car related.. at the end of the day, these guys are just regular people and if u treat them well, walk in with a good attitude instead of being stuck up then i believe they will treat you in the same way.. not every workshop is for you, naturally each person would have their preffered workshop.. the best is to stick to the one you feel is best for you and BE LOYAL! lots of ppl jump workshops for the sake of saving 20-30 bucks.. yeah i know its money but in the long run, being loyal to a workshop saves you heaps of cash too.. sorry for the long post Cliffs = choose workshop, stick to it, dont bag others, kthxbai
  4. yeah ive been getting some renewed interest in the Ceffy lately as well
  5. u there all the time Steve? like if i dropped in you'd be there?
  6. what was the problem do u know?
  7. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid i didnt come up with that term.. but i think it should be adhered to.. just SAU WA without the GTRs and fancy colours.. maybe just black, blue or red with white or black writing
  8. yeah the ones we had made like farken 2 years ago didnt look all that flash
  9. yeah we did this ages ago.. i had them in my 33... from memory they were definately under 50 bucks..
  10. Cypher uses Formaz's dyno i believe.. X-Speed Hyperdrive Speedworks C-Red not neccesarily in that order, all are respectable workshops... just go down, have a chat and see whom you feel you would want working on your car..
  11. i doubt prices will rise tho.. just wondered if it will hold steady coz im sick of wankers going "oh i can get one for 6k and you want 13k" so i guess thats a thing of the past now
  12. yeah mines advertised for 13,800 but anything over 13k i'll sell really
  13. so now that the 15 year rule law is a thing of the past.. how do you guys forsee the value of Cefiros? I know a few one these board are going for sale.. how does it affect value? steady? sell now or sell in 6 months? why this thread? well coz Ceffys arent as common as any of the other 15 yr cars (FC, S13, etc, etc).
  14. wanna export halfcuts to Perth? dari mana? KL?
  15. i think ure looking at the wrong sort of Corolla.. the one these guys mean is the Corolla thats older than you.. old but reliable and cheap
  16. just keep the car stock.. no use wasting money... the car is for transport.. point A to B... mods can come later with your next car
  17. dude.. my nephew drives an AE86.. the market for them is overpriced so anything with the words 4AGE and AE86 in them would cost double what they would be before Takumi and his mates came about.. but the Aus spec ones are still affordable.. 2-3k but bear in mind that they are 20 yrs old so some might need a bit of work i suppose
  18. are learners allowed on freeways?
  19. Dave im running Toyo Trampios on the back 235/40/18s and Potenza 040 if im not mistaken on the front.. the trampios are really good tho. in wet and dry and also at high speeds which i test on my private road
  20. cheapo car for school.. nice car when u actually earn your own cash /thread
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