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50Km/h limit to replace all 60 zones!

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I was just wondering what everyone else thinks about this?

I think the 50km/h trial has been somewhat poor. It is very badly signed and there is a huge amount of confusion to all concerned. In the learner drivers book it says the speed is the last sign you saw, so if the last sign you saw was 60, when does it become 50?

For this reason the ACT gov't now want to replace all 60 zones with 50 zones. Personaly I think the government should produce some evidence that the 50 zones have reduced accidents involving pedestrians. If anythink I reckon accidents have rissen due to the increased confusion!

I think if the ACT wants to use 50 zones they should follow NSW's suit and put them on selected streets and actually have 50 signs. That is, not just the "50 km'h area signs".

If you ask me, this is just another revenue raiser! I think the gov't should spend some money on educating drivers rather then new speed limits! This would be far more effective in reducing accidents. I also think people should have to do a road rules test EVERY TIME they renew their license.

Just my 2c. (well more like $1.75 worth, but hey!)

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doesnt really worry me,

Also, the signs on the way into canberra say that every street here has a 50 km/h speed limit unless otherwise stated, so every street should be assumed to be 50 until u see the sign that says 60 or 80 or whatever, but if they are making all 60 km/h streets 50, then u dont have to worry bout being ina 50 or 60 zone at all, cos there aint gonna be any 60 zones

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