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cops arnt all bad

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I was in a mates car when he got pulled over for going 85 in a 60 zone.. We go out of the car and started talking to him, he let us play with his radar. Its like fishing. But heaps more fun :D

I caught a car going 73 in a 60 zone :) .. And guess what.. It was another cop car, lol.

The cop with us was gona go out and pull the car over until i said it was another cop. :)

Realy nice guys tho.

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Dont worry there up in Bendigo defecting every car in site. they are stopping everyone cruising around the streets doing the once over their cars and if they find anything, on goes the canary. I agree its not the Cops its the system, in Vic they have found somthing better than taxs.

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Originally posted by NiteskyR

is this miles per hour ?



Oh yeh forgot to say, it was along gympie road, after chermside.

:) VERY stupid spot to speed. He lost 4 points :thumbdwn:...

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Most of the experiences I've had with cops have shown them to be decent enough. I've been warned 3 times for:

* spinning my wheels "stop being a goose!" (that was the first time i was pulled over, handed him my ATM card by mistake too hahaha....)

* chirpie at the lights and speeding (no reading, and I found out later he almost crashed into my mate trying to catch up with me)

* "driving like fangio" (sorry officer, a 1.3L charade DOES need to be redlined to get up a long hill) :D

been asked to leave the area when pulled over near peats ridge

group of skylines followed by two cops in a camry, who watched us from a distance when we parked and got out. hwy patrol cruised through too, but they didn't approach or harrass us. kudos.

have had the cops chase a convoy through hornsby with some determination specifically to defect a loud rx7 we had with us. fair enough it was too loud for the road but damn it sounded nice :) and we were just passing through anyway (apparently there's a cop based there who puts the c**t in constable).

if you're in the wrong place or your car is attention-seeking then you'll probably get bent over. but if you know this is the case and still do it then you accept the hassles part of it too I say...

(says the guy with the stock SSS pulsar hehe)

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Talking of being booked for stupid things, on the local radio this morning they were talking about the blitz they had up here in Bendigo and some poor prick got booked and a $130 fine for eating a sandwitch while driving, under the not in full control of your car law. So watch out dont go picking your nose or scratching your bum...

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"Talking of being booked for stupid things, on the local radio this morning they were talking about the blitz they had up here in Bendigo and some poor prick got booked and a $130 fine for eating a sandwitch while driving"

NOW that is BENT OVER and given fairly hard for the **** of it.

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i know of sum1 being fined for not wearing a seat belt while sitting in a running car on the side of the road, while he was waiting for his mate to come back from the shops

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ahhh..story i heard over the weekend.. somebody got dicked for sitting in the right lane next to somebody right on the speedlimit on the highway

Was about to overtake, then she saw the cop behind her so sat on the limit.. unfortunately they pulled her over and charged her for "sitting in the right lane" !! If she overtaken, she prolly would have got done for speeding, and instead, she gets done for that..

Its basically illegal to overtake in Victoria now at the speed limit - (3km leadway) - how screwed is that?!!

Now if they enforced that in the city, i think every person would be booked for sure. What a law to get money!

Its revenue city leading up to the end of the financial year so the cops can get all their money to justify their budgets for next year.. so watch out - especially those in Victoria!!

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Denham, do you have anything other than 'cops are wankers' to add?

teka and R31H. that is not a stupid thing to be booked for by any stretch of the imagination. you are either driving a car or eating a sandwich. simple. you don't talk on the phone, you don't eat, you don't use the rear view mirror to put your make up on (although i got booked for that once).

i'd hate to be hit by some dumb arse muther****er who thinks it's ok to eat while driving and i'm sure you'll be singing the same song if someone hit your car cause they were doing something other than driving and not concentrating with both hands free.

god knows there are ****ed up drivers out there as it is.

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I find city cops more intimidating than ones out of the city. I've only been pulled over once in the wrx but that was expected cause it was a full on rice box. Got nothing for it though.

At stanwell tops late at night with a few mates the cops there stoppped and just told us to respect the rules and don't act like d*ckheads and well be fine.

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Ok Two40 I agree you should be paying attention but it is getting to a point were if you scratch you nose, because you take you hand of the steering wheel doing this, you can legaly be booked for not being in control of your motor vehicle (not having both hands on the wheel) Where are the rules of this written, what can you do and what cant you, or do you find this out after you have been fined

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